Tuesday, February 28, 2006


It was surprisingly good last night. They picked us up in a stretched limo and the stage was gaudy, but the people were great to work with. I just love Luis Palau and his sons. They reach hundreds of thousands in Latin America.

The show was good. It had an underlying message that I think the Lord brought out himself. The message was use your unique talents to reach people for Christ...answer God's call no matter how strange and outside of the box it seems.

The bad guy from the Karate Kid movies was there. He's a great guy (not really a bad guy). We had dinner with him and Kevin Palau (Luis's son).

The show is supposed to air again tonight at 5pm Eastern/4pm Central time on TBN. Watch it if you get a chance. I was pleased in how it turned out.


AUNY said...

We were doing so well with the comments and then, I disappointedly looked and there are zero from the last few days. Go to Brock's blog (brockgill.com/blog) to look at some wonderful comments from the last weekend. Also, pray for my friend, Ninia, that I met in OK. She has a Bible study every Tuesday night with "at risk" teens. It's a wonderful ministry that the Lord just layed in her lap.

Amber said...

I'm going to try to catch you guy's on TBN tonight!

Anonymous said...

I do feel I have a unique calling from God. I also find it interesting that on clicking the next blog button I found your site. I seems to me that the chruch is just the staging point for a greater understanding of God, but you need to move past that "milk" as it were.