Thursday, July 12, 2007

Day 3 of Camp

Yesterday, we began our morning with some Starbucks for Kyla, Shannon, and our new Scottish friend that is working our merch table, Ross. Therron, one of the SuperWow staff guys, was mad (not really) that we didn't get him anything.

Then, Brock performed a couple of illusions and spoke about the woman at the well from John 4. During our performance, we played Stephanie Smith's new song, Superstar, now available on itunes. She's good! He then did my favorite illusion currently. It's a new one that beautifully illustrates the living water.

After that, we went out to eat with our friends, Brian and Stephanie. Brock went to high school with Brian and we all went to college together. They brought their youth group to camp this week. It was fun except Brian had an accident on a skim board earlier and threw out his back. After lunch, he could barely walk. We took him to a chiropractor and forced him to get a massage. He felt a lot better after that!

After grabbing a quick nap, we went out to eat at our favorite thai place here. Therron went with us. Also, Gresham, our manager, came into town and met up with us for dinner. He's staying with us until tomorrow. Then, he'll drive Kyla and Shannon home with him.

We did a 15 minute set last night in which he did one of our best new illusions. It involves milk!

During his set, Shannon texted me and it simply said "Donut Hole!" Shannon, Kyla, and I ran out to the car and tried to go to the local bakery to get donuts without Brock finding out. (He's a health freak you know.) When we entered the backstage area, we saw no trace of Brock. Gresham told us that he was in the green room. We slipped past the green room and into our dressing room. All of a sudden, Kyla was screaming and she chunked the donuts under a desk. Brock grabbed them and tried to take them away from us. However, we finally got them back and enjoyed our treat!

As we were leaving to go get the donuts, we noticed one of the security guards dressed in normal clothing (not his uniform) leaving with his wife. He is a guy that Brock has been talking with about the Lord. We concluded that he came on his night off and took his wife to watch our part of the show! Brock told the clear gospel last night, so the security guard and his wife heard it. Pray for their salvation.


Barbara said...

ooooo that's very niceee!! i'll definitely pray for him.

i'm a health freak too hahahaha. my ex boyfriend eat all that behind my back too hahaha that's funny!!

ooooo es muy lindooo!! definitivamente rezare por el.

yo tambien soy una fanatica de la salud jajajaja. mi ex novio también comía todo eso a mis espaldas jajaja es chistoso!!

Leah said...

Hey Auny,
Where are Brian and Stephanie currently ministering? Somewhere in Florida or close to there? It sure would be great to get in touch with them. Be sure you give them me email address, so Ronnie can get in touch with Brian.

Totally praying for the security guard and his family. That's awesome that he came that night!

Therron said...

um...yeah I was mad at you guys for not getting me any Starbucks...just kidding...
