Monday, March 07, 2011

Sabbatical from Blogging

It was bound to happen. I have been blogging for the past 6 years. I need a break from it. I have found myself missing the 80's. Times were so much simpler then. I spent over 3 hours at the Apple store one day trying to fix problems with 2 computers, one ipad, and one iphone (I have the ipad and Brock the iphone). As I was sitting there watching the chaos around me, I began to realize how out of control it is.

Also, I wonder if anyone really cares where we did a show last night or what is my pensive thought at the time. Who knows how long this sabbatical will last. I just know that I need it. Thank you all for being faithful readers. I probably will keep posting on facebook and twitter. Talk to you later my friends...


Amber said...

Just want you to know that I read daily and LOVE knowing what you are thinking and what you are up to! I do TOTALLY understand the need for a break though:) I'll be praying for you and hoping for your return!!!

Doris Godbey said...

I am with Amber...I check everyday to see if there is an update and look forward to hearing about the shows and how God is using you and Brock to further His Kingdom. When I know that you are having shows at certain places I am able to pray in advance for God to move and then receive a blessing when you report on the events and share your thoughts. I will ccntinue to pray for you and Brock and like Amber looking forward to your return! Love you and you do know that you can send me any prayer requests! Keep the Faith!

Mom in Shepherd said...

Many, many people check and read your blog every week if not every day. I myself check it daily but there are some times when my friends know what is happening with you and Brock before I know it because they have read it before I did. I hope you don't take too long of a sabbatical. But enjoy...your readers will cope. Love you.

Anonymous said...

I too look for your blog every day and have withdrawals when you don't blog. :) I love the way you share your heart on your blog and I feel I know you so much better (and love and appreciate you so much more) because of it. You probably touch more people than you realize. Of course, I check your twitter regularly, which helps me keep up with you and Brock, but we don't get the "heart" there. So rest up and hurry back. We will be waiting for you.

Love you

auny said...

Thanks guys for the encouragement. I will try to hurry back. I have started to work on my book again...I put that down for a while, but now I am back on it.

Mom in Shepherd said...

Glad to hear you are working on your book.