Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pics from San Antonio

Sometimes I whine about what I do, because we travel so much. However, traveling has its benefits. Here are some pictures from the time we spent on the river walk in San Antonio, TX...Photobucket


PhotobucketWe road the boat along the river.






PhotobucketAnd we ate some great Mexican food!



Anonymous said...

[b]На уроке литературы Вовочка рассказывает отрывок из Евгения Онегина:
- "Когда б надежду я имел хоть редко, хоть в неделю раз..."
Марья Ивановна:
- Ну что, Вовочка, опять забыл?
- Нет, просто думаю, какое все-таки красивое имя - Надежда. [/b]
Корпорация Мегаполиса порадовала новым выходом очередного сборника нюансов.
Меня удивила примем это "[url=]Мужское достоинство укорачивается с каждым годом [/url]" - Канечно вы можете встретить и для себя ворох интерестного
Ну а впрочем лучшее лекарство от скуки это анекдотец.

Haley said...

Hmmm, not sure what that says up there.

I love San Antonio. It has such a fun atmosphere down at the Riverwalk. Glad you guys got to have some down time while you were there.

Looking forward to seeing you guys in 2 more weeks!!!

Haley said...

Hmmm, not sure what that says up there.

I love San Antonio. It has such a fun atmosphere down at the Riverwalk. Glad you guys got to have some down time while you were there.

Looking forward to seeing you guys in 2 more weeks!!!

Haley said...

Hmmm, not sure what that says up there.

I love San Antonio. It has such a fun atmosphere down at the Riverwalk. Glad you guys got to have some down time while you were there.

Looking forward to seeing you guys in 2 more weeks!!!