Tuesday, July 08, 2008


That's not a word you here much lately, but it's what Brock challenged us to do today...REPENT. After he was done speaking, I continued to stay backstage and pray for conviction over the crowd. Matt Papa (the worship leader) began to lead us in worship. As I was praying, something happened. I cannot explain it well enough simply because I don't know what happened.

First of all, I broke. I began to weep and repent for my sins. At that point, I forgot about the audience. I forgot where I was entirely. It was as if the Lord was saying, "Let's deal with YOUR sin first." At one point, I felt physically sick. I think that I was overcome with grief over my sins. I remember thinking the other day that I don't repent enough. Well, it was as if I caught up today.

This repentance was different though. I prayed for it, and the Lord gave it to me. I experienced tremendous grief and even more relief. Then, I began to repent for others. This was a new and wonderful, emotional experience for me. I know that this sounds funny, but try praying that you will truly be convicted. It's a very freeing time with your Savior.


Barbara said...

Wow that's powerful. awesome. Thank you fore shearing your story.

Barbara said...


Anonymous said...

What a great share!

Chris Orr was our worship leader this year. He really did an awesome thing one night. He had us take out our journals. He would then sing a song, step back from the mic, and ask us to write in our journal how this particular song spoke to us.

It was a very powerful and moving service.

Here's a link to the final song used at the end of our camp. Listen to it when you have time. You may have heard it. The message is awesome!


Teresa W.