Monday, March 01, 2010

The Majestic Hawk

Yesterday morning I was having one of those days. Actually, it's been one of those months. I feel lost in a strange way. You know when you have those seasons where you wake up in the morning and think, "What am I supposed to do today? Am I right in the center of the Lord's will?" Then, you are not hearing much from the Lord. That's where I am at. I am trying to stay obedient to the Lord and still keep faith. Abraham went 13 years one time without hearing a peep from the Lord. However, his faith did not waiver. I think that I am guilty of basing my faith on my feelings or circumstances at the time. I should base my faith on the truth.

Anyway, as I was driving back from an early morning airport run, I saw a huge hawk on the ground in the median of the interstate. As I passed by, the hawk flew up toward my truck and (I am not lying) paused right in front of my windshield with his wings outspread. It was such a majestic sight that it took my breath away! There, in that brief moment, I felt the presence of the Lord in all His glory. I also heard the words of one of the most meaningful verses to me, "I will cover you with My feathers, and under My wings you will find refuge. My faithfulness will be your shield and rampart" Psalm 91:4. (Only in scripture it says "He" instead of "I", but I heard it in the first person when the words gently floated across my heart.) Just before I hit the bird, it flew away. The Lord did not have to do that for me, but He did. He was reminding me of His faithfulness. No matter how we feel or our circumstances, He is faithful.

If you have not read my history with the hawk or this scripture, go here.