Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Purpose for the Party

After everyone ate, we gathered the table from the bedroom and living room into the dining room area and Brock spoke to them a little. He talked about Haiti and what we saw while we were in the Dominican Republic. We chose to give through Compassion International because we trust them so much. The president of Compassion lived in Haiti for 4 years. Also, they have been raising up children there for the last 40 years. Wess Stafford, the President of Compassion, said that these leaders and Christian pillars of the community that have been raised up are poised and ready "for such a time as this." He also said, "The media will leave, but we will stay."

The day before, on my way to make the big grocery run, I was thinking about everything that had happened that month. We had a pipe burst. We had a leaky roof that had to be fixed. Plus, some other things that we did not count on happening. The thought ran through my mind that maybe we should not give as much as we had alloted to give toward Haiti relief. Then, I caught myself! I had a roof and pipes to complain about. Many people in Haiti had lost everything. Then, I heard the Lord's gentle prodding to give more. When the time came to contribute, I was so excited! There is something about giving sacrificially that gets my blood flowing! I had not done that in a while.

When all was said and done, we raised $1,050 for Haiti relief Saturday night. Praise the Lord! I beg you not to be like the press. Let's keep praying for Haiti. We've been praying for Haiti for years. They are so close and so desperate. It was a quicker flight from DR to Miami than Miami to Nashville. They really are our neighbors.