Friday, April 30, 2010

Barbara's Visit

PhotobucketWent to the Dove Awards

PhotobucketMade us authentic Mexican food

PhotobucketHelped film a video for Brock

PhotobucketEaster party

PhotobucketWent with us on the road several places including Texas.

PhotobucketShot a gun for the first time.

PhotobucketParticipated in a crazy scavenger hunt in Nashville.

PhotobucketTook a lot of pictures.

PhotobucketWent to Falls Creek Falls in east Tennessee.

PhotobucketSaw Alice in Wonderland in 3D

PhotobucketMet some of Brock's family including his grandma.

PhotobucketParticipated in a chocolate tasting at the Cocoa Tree.

PhotobucketDid a lot of workouts (some Jillian which was a killer).

PhotobucketExperienced some snow.


PhotobucketWas a waitress at our Valentine's party.

PhotobucketTasted vegimite that our Aussie friend, Joy, happened to have.

PhotobucketAttended a couple of Superbowl parties.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Canada Tour

We left yesterday for Canada. It's going to be a crazy schedule. We are performing for the Billy Graham crusade with Billy Graham's grandson, Will Graham Wednesday through Friday. We do school assemblies each day and perform at the event Saturday night in Lethbridge, Canada.

On Monday and Tuesday, we perform school assemblies with a full show Tuesday night in Barrhead, Canada. Wednesday, we travel all day way up to the Yukon (up by Alaska) to perform some school assemblies and a show Thursday. We come back home next Friday. Pray that it all goes well and that we adjust to the time and temperature changes.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Friend Paul

We got an email from our friend, Paul, whom we met in the Dominican Republic. To here more about Paul, go here. He is from Haiti and had family including a 7 year old son there whom he had not heard from 4 days after the earthquake. We did not know what to do for him except pray. Finally, he got word that his family was alive. Brock told him that if he ever needed anything to contact us. Recently, he did. He sent us an email saying that his father has cancer and needs treatment. After Brock sent him an email asking him how to give some money, Paul sent this email back. Realize that this was written in French, and translated by Barbara to English, so this went thru 3 different translations. Here it is:

Hello I am in God's name, and with the greatest respect I have for you because you are a person who loves your neighbor. I thank you very much for thinking in me.

But Mr. Gill I want you to give me the number of transfer if you can please. I'm going tomorrow morning. With the money I can start making some things for my father.

Mr Gil I can not tell you to give me money. This depends on your possibilities. The most important to me I want you to help me and my father is in prayer, because you have a gift. I want to change my life completely in order to overcome sin. Because as I have said, I was born in a Christian family, it's me who is in sin.

It sounds like he is close to giving his life to Christ. It also sounds like he was not asking for money but for prayer. He sees the value in it. Please pray for Paul and his family.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Birthday Parties and Going Away Parties

Last week, we celebrated Stephanie's birthday in polka dots. That was the theme. I think that I took the prize on being the most polka dotted!Photobucket

Last night, after our Bible study session, Lindsey and I slipped downstairs and began setting up for a surprise birthday party for Sherri and a surprise going away party for Barbara. We set up half elegant birthday decorations and half fiesta decorations.Photobucket
I had told Sherri about Barbara's party and Barbara about Sherri's party. Therefore, it did not matter that it was rather obvious we were doing something downstairs because each of them thought it was for the other. I also put each one in charge of making sure the other stayed upstairs until I was ready for them to come down. I must admit, it was a pretty good plan. They were both surprised!PhotobucketThis was Barbara saying, "For me???"
PhotobucketThen, Sherri went right around the table to join us in saying surprise before she realized it was for her too!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Busy Weekend

We have a crazy busy few days. Friday, we had meetings all day. After our dinner meeting, the four of us, John, Barbara, Brock, and me, drove to Knoxville, TN for the night. That way, we only would have a 4 hour drive the next day to get to Mooresville, TN where our show was that night.

Early in the morning, we were sleeping in lala land (actually I was dreaming I was in Harpers Island, which is the setting of this thriller TV show Brock and I had been watching). As I was sitting on the beach in my dream, I hear this awful, blaring buzz going on and off. Then, I feel Brock leave the bed and could hear Barbara giggling and saying, "What is this?" Apparently, they don't have fire alarms in Mexico. Just the time I got up out of the bed, the alarm stopped. Most of us did not really go back to sleep. That made for a tired day yesterday.

However, the show last night went great! I think we fed off the energy from the crowd. Now, I am sitting in my hotel in Marion, NC which is about an hour and a half from where we did the show last night. We have a 3 1/2 hour drive to Cleveland, TN where we will perform at Lee University tonight. After the show, we will drive the 2 1/2 hours home. Then, tomorrow morning, we go to a Compassion seminar which will last all day. Such is our life!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring Pics

Have you ever noticed that in the Spring, it's green everywhere but it's like a florescent green instead of the dark green of summer?Photobucket

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Very Bad Financial Day

Last Tuesday was a killer! We had one truck in the shop and the other one we had left in town. So, we decided to take our motorcycle. It would not start. Then, we called John whom was at the shop with the truck. He told us that we could take his car, but the ac had gone out in our new truck. Oh no! That's over $1,000.

Then, we went to town, and a few minutes later found out that our hot water heater in our house had busted right then. We picked up a new one and had a guy come out and replace it. Then, we got another phone call. This was the dreaded was from our tax guy. It was way worse than we thought. He informed us that we owe a lot of money in taxes this year because of, well, it's a long story.

Brock and I almost laughed at all of the things that had gone wrong. Later, I went to turn the TV on to try and escape a little in the mindless world of funny sitcoms, and the TV would not come to a full picture. This had been happening on and off, but if you hit it, it would work again. This time when I hit it, the TV actually shut off and began to sizzle. I was guessing that was not good, so I turned it off in case it caught on fire. That TV was toast!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Two Local Shows

We had a show in Murfreesboro, TN, which is only about a 35 minute drive from our house, Friday night. It was great to go such a short distance, do the show, and drive home. The only problem was that the show began at 10pm. Therefore, we did not get home until after 1am. The show went great, though.

Last night, we did a show in Nashville with Nathan Lee. We held it in his warehouse. It was great! There were so many different people in attendance that we don't usually get to hang out with. Brock's massage therapist came to the show, and some people from church whom we would like to get to know better. Even our pastor came to the show! Also there were local business owners and such whom never go to church in the audience. It was a blast for me! We stayed and hung out until midnight! Two late nights, but it was worth it!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Show with Nathan Lee

We are doing a very unique local show tomorrow night. We will be joining forces with the talented Nathan Lee.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Pics from the Easter Party
