Friday, April 30, 2010

Barbara's Visit

PhotobucketWent to the Dove Awards

PhotobucketMade us authentic Mexican food

PhotobucketHelped film a video for Brock

PhotobucketEaster party

PhotobucketWent with us on the road several places including Texas.

PhotobucketShot a gun for the first time.

PhotobucketParticipated in a crazy scavenger hunt in Nashville.

PhotobucketTook a lot of pictures.

PhotobucketWent to Falls Creek Falls in east Tennessee.

PhotobucketSaw Alice in Wonderland in 3D

PhotobucketMet some of Brock's family including his grandma.

PhotobucketParticipated in a chocolate tasting at the Cocoa Tree.

PhotobucketDid a lot of workouts (some Jillian which was a killer).

PhotobucketExperienced some snow.


PhotobucketWas a waitress at our Valentine's party.

PhotobucketTasted vegimite that our Aussie friend, Joy, happened to have.

PhotobucketAttended a couple of Superbowl parties.


Amber said...

Looks like ya'll had an ABSOLUTE BLAST:)