Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Friend Paul

We got an email from our friend, Paul, whom we met in the Dominican Republic. To here more about Paul, go here. He is from Haiti and had family including a 7 year old son there whom he had not heard from 4 days after the earthquake. We did not know what to do for him except pray. Finally, he got word that his family was alive. Brock told him that if he ever needed anything to contact us. Recently, he did. He sent us an email saying that his father has cancer and needs treatment. After Brock sent him an email asking him how to give some money, Paul sent this email back. Realize that this was written in French, and translated by Barbara to English, so this went thru 3 different translations. Here it is:

Hello I am in God's name, and with the greatest respect I have for you because you are a person who loves your neighbor. I thank you very much for thinking in me.

But Mr. Gill I want you to give me the number of transfer if you can please. I'm going tomorrow morning. With the money I can start making some things for my father.

Mr Gil I can not tell you to give me money. This depends on your possibilities. The most important to me I want you to help me and my father is in prayer, because you have a gift. I want to change my life completely in order to overcome sin. Because as I have said, I was born in a Christian family, it's me who is in sin.

It sounds like he is close to giving his life to Christ. It also sounds like he was not asking for money but for prayer. He sees the value in it. Please pray for Paul and his family.


Unknown said...

This is a great site where you can enter in your text in any language and they'll translate it for you. I've used it several times when sending something in French.

We'll be praying for Paul and his family!