Friday, December 19, 2008

Sabbath Month

You know how Sunday afternoon naps are the best? It's because it's on your Sabbath. Sundays just seem like they are more restful (unless you are working on Sundays). Anyway, I feel like I'm having a Sabbath month right now. I'm sleeping 9 hours a night every night. I usually only sleep about 7 unless I'm really tired out from the road. Granted I've been training for the marathon, so I've been running quite a bit (that makes you sleep like a baby). However, even on the nights that I haven't run, I'm still sleeping so well.

We've had an easier year on the road. Our schedule has not been quite as demanding, but it's still been hectic just not quite as hectic as other years. We've had some problems this year to deal with though that I cannot go into. This has made life more difficult. Plus, I've taken on more responsibility since Shannon has moved to Atlanta. All of this added to my weariness.

Plus, we're doing more ministry at home such as parties with a purpose and chocolate tasting kits. Anyway, I'm very grateful for this Sabbath time.