Tuesday, December 09, 2008


I've been flip flopping back and forth between Women of Faith Bible Study Series and John MacArthur's Bible Study Series for my personal Bible study. The Women of Faith is more topical whereas the John MacArthur is on books of the Bible. They've been really great!

One of the main things that I've noticed is that a verse will stick out to me during my study. Then, later on that day, that same verse will come up again. Once the pastor spoke about it...the same scripture. Another time, one scripture passage stuck out to me, but one of my friends kept coming to mind when I read it. A couple of hours later, my friend's husband called Brock and asked if we would pray for her...the very person that came to mind earlier. I prayed that scripture over her all day.

Last week, my study asked that I memorize a certain verse. That day, I got my mom a Christmas present (I'm not going to reveal what it is because she reads this blog) and that same verse was written on it!


Anonymous said...

While working on our Christmas program I researched Old Testament prophecy about the coming Messiah. This lead me to the book of Micah in Chapter 5. So this morning, I read the entire book of Micah. I've never done that before and what a blessing it is. Specifically to me was 4:4-5. It speaks of the peace we have from our Lord, of his protection and that no matter which "god" others may serve....we will still serve Him.

I needed that verse today...I'm going to share it with my friend tomorrow at work! Amazing how the Lord leads us right to the place we need to be.

I love this blog! It always blesses my spirit.

Thanks for sharing it with us!

AUNY said...

Thanks so much for the encouragement, Teresa!

Mom in Shepherd said...

Ooh! Now my curiosity is up about my Christmas gift! I can't wait till you and Brock get here for Christmas.