Saturday, April 02, 2005

April Fool's Day

Yesterday was so fun for us! So many people called us before they even read the entire blog. Some did read the entire thing but for some reason did not get it. I think that the only thing they took from it was that we were moving. They blocked out the entire last paragraph. I have a feeling that for several months acquaintances will be asking us about our move to LA. Only a couple of people didn't bite at all. Most only figured it out when they read the very last paragraph.

One of our friends was especially flabbergasted because he was over at our house the night before. He e-mailed saying, "I didn't know that your house was on the market." My mom's comment was particularly funny (under the comment section of yesterday's blog). Brock's mom called and pretended to believe it. She had him going for a little while. Maybe this is where Brock gets it from?

Some other practical jokes went on yesterday as well. Check out to read up on some April Fool's jokes from yesterday as well as the best 100 of the past. The best part about yesterday was touching base with all of you. We enjoyed the phone calls as well as e-mails. We love you guys.