Saturday, April 09, 2005


Living out in the country is great...lots of land beautiful land, privacy, and wildlife. Well, the wildlife has its disadvantages. You heard about my sleep deprevation due to a beautiful cardinal. It enjoys ramming into our window at about 5:30am. Now, there is not one, not two, but three birds that take turns trying to fly into the window over and over again until I feel like screaming!

We have some wasps that have built a nest in the attic of the garage. They linger right at the entrance of the garage, so we've been avoiding going into it because of the plethera of wasps waiting to attack. Brock waited until night to go and spray the nest. He said that they don't fly or sting at night. I don't know if this is accurate, but it seemed to work.

Our road manager left his shoes out on the porch. Several hours later, only one shoe remained. We assume some sort of animal took off with one. What kind of person would steal only one shoe? I'm guessing one of the neighbor's dogs is the culprit.

Then, to top it off, our house is being invaded by ladybugs. The problem with ladybugs are that you don't want to kill them. They aren't like your average bug. They are cute and harmless. In fact, I heard that it was against the law to kill them because they eat bugs that hurt crops. Meanwhile, ladybugs are taking over my house!

A few minutes ago, as I was mowing the lawn, I spotted a big snake. This wasn't your little garden snake. It was about 5 feet long. I brought Brock over to the snake so that he could take care of it. He said that it was just a chicken snake and would not bite. In fact, it eats rats and other pests. Therefore, Brock decided not to kill it.