Monday, July 12, 2010

David and Goliath

I am studying David right now. This morning, I read about David and Goliath. I was reminded of how wonderful and thought provoking this Sunday school story really is. David did not have any question as to whether the Lord would bring him victory or not. He knew that God was bigger than any of his problems.

I quickly got busy getting everything ready for our big week to come and David and Goliath were long forgotten. Anxiety began to grow as I went through the huge, intimidating stack of mail that has accumulated since we have been in Florida which potentially has large doctor bills amongst them. I came across a letter from Bariela, our Compassion child from the Dominican. In it, she said that her favorite Bible character is David because he killed the Giant. Great timing huh? The Lord used sweet Bariela to remind me that He is bigger than any giants I have in my life. What a great joy it is to be a Compassion sponsor!


Haley said...

Love that. Makes me want to go read the story again. We all need to be reminded that God is bigger than our "giants".

Unknown said...

David was not perfect, but he loved and trusted God - what better example!