Friday, March 25, 2005

Childhood Friends

Today, I'm going to visit a girl that I grew up with in Daytona Beach, FL. She now lives in Murfreesburo, TN. It's only a 45 minute drive from Nashville. It's so wierd because she is married with four kids now. I remember when she and I were the kids.

There were four of us that were kind of raised in our church together: Beth, Tiffany, Susie, and me. Our parents were in the choir, so we would hang out together while they practiced. The church was our playground.

I remember one Sunday morning, we were all sitting together in the balcony. None of our parents were with us because they were all in the choir. We started playing cards during the service. We didn't think that they could see us. We were wrong. My mom and Tiffany's mom were the church interpreters for the deaf, and we didn't know much sign language, but they had taught us the important ones. They both began rebuking us in signs from the downstairs. I could pick out the words "STOP!" and "NOW!" Then, we watched as Susie's mom preceded to exit the choir loft, walk all the way down the aisle, and up to where we were sitting. Needless to say, we never played cards in church again.

Childhood is so fun. You are so innocent and such a clean slate. We had no idea that you could play cards on Wednesday night during choir practice, but it was different on Sunday mornings. In some ways, you wish that you could think that way again. Life was so simple. However, at that time, you did not know it. Whenever Susie's mom started heading up to the balcony, I was not thinking, "I don't have a care in the world. Life is great!" I guess it is all relative.