Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Stop the Buzz!

Sunday night, I woke up in the middle of the night to hear a buzzing in our bedroom. It wasn't too loud and I was able to go back to sleep. However, when I woke yesterday morning, it seemed so loud! I searched around the room and decided it was in the wall. When I woke up Brock, he couldn't even really hear it.

My family teases that since I cannot smell much at all, that some of my other senses are keener. My hearing is one of them. I'll hear random ringing sometimes that nobody else can hear. I remember sitting in church one Sunday morning back in Texas and being totally distracted by a noise that none of the other students sitting with me could hear. Brock said it was probably someone's hearing aid.

Anyway, I was convinced that it was in the wall and we would never be able to get it out. I don't know what could have been in the wall because Brock said the pipes run under the floor. I was picturing me taking a sledge hammer to that wall to get rid of that noise! I had to go to another room in the house because it was bugging me so badly. Then, Brock brought my fun bag to me and said "Here's your ringing." One of my games was running out of batteries and making the slightest, annoying, high-pitched buzz. I'm so glad it wasn't in the wall!


Matt said...

how funny

Anonymous said...

I'm glad it was just your game! The same thing happened to me once, only the buzzing turned out to be wasps in the ceiling. I heard buzzing and scratching for a few weeks until finally one afternoon I walked into my room to find my windows completely covered in wasps. They had eaten through the drywall in the ceiliing and come into my room. They left a hole about 2 feet around. Now I tend to freak out whenever I hear anything abnormal in my room. (I'm allergic to wasps!)

Sara Horn said...

That's so funny, we had the same kind of thing happen to us last night. Our bedroom is right below our floored-in attic, and we could faintly make out one of our little boy's toys that plays music which kept going off last night. Cliff thought it was the batteries dying out, but I was worried some wierd critter was in our attic bumping it! That freaked Cliff out so we both went up to look for it but never did find it or heard it when we were up there, only when we were back under the covers downstairs. I don't think it helped that I watched Sixth Sense the day before!

Anonymous said...

The same thing happened to me years ago....Ruel was away at a workshop for the summer and I started hearing this noise. It was not a constant hum, but a noise that seemed to be on some kind of cycle. I finally discovered that it was the battery in a wall clock and as the clock drew power from the battery, it would make the sound! I could not hear it during the day when I was in close proximity of the clock, only of the night! Finally decided that if I was going to get any sleep I HAD to find out where that sound was coming from!

Still praying for God's intervention and His will!

Mrs. G