Monday, August 21, 2006

No Sleep

A lack of sleep can throw off your whole day. This weekend, I only got five hours of sleep a night on average because of our flight schedule. Yesterday morning, when I woke up so early, my sinuses were very bad. I figured it was just because I didn't get enough sleep and my immune system was down. However, it got worse and worse. It was so bad that I couldn't even go into the worship service. I was sniffing and sneezing too much. We all went out to lunch as planned, but then, Brock took me home. I was feeling sick!

I slept until 10am this morning (that's really late for me). Guess what? I feel fine. What I was beginning to think was a cold was actually just a sinus problem spurred on by a lack of sleep! I cannot believe how much sleep affects me. I'm so glad that I'm feeling better. Too bad I missed our happy fun day. Oh well! There will be others.


Gin said...

Happy Fun Day is an institution...there will definitely be others :)

Glad you got some rest...

Barbara said...

i'm like you. or worse hahaha. i can't think if i sleep 6 or less hours.
i need to sleep 7 or 8 hours. or i'm falling sleep in every place.