Thursday, September 11, 2008


We have many missions opportunities out there. The problem is that all of our ideas take a lot of time and cost a lot of money. I don't know what ideas are God ideas. I also don't know when we should do these mission trips. Basically, I need to pray through a few opportunities and would like it if you would pray through some of these as well.

We possibly have an opportunity to go to China in November. We want to go to Mexico sometime next year. Brock almost went to Haiti this last weekend, but the trip was canceled due to the hurricanes. Also, I want to go to Bolivia to see my sister after she has the baby. If there is any way that I can go to a Compassion project while I'm there, I might do that.

Just pray that it will be obvious which ones if not all of them and when the Lord wants us to go. Pray that the money and the schedule will be available.


Michawn said...

silly auny, you forgot brazil!! :)

trent and kay said...

I vote for Bolivia! Oh wait, did you say pray about it?

Barbara said...

i'm praying =)