Friday, November 20, 2009

This Week in a Nutshell

I've had some exciting days since I came home Monday night. First of all, my wonderful husband installed a garbage disposal while I was away. He decided not to tell me and see how long it took me to notice it. (I'm not very observant at times.) Tuesday morning he left to go to his meeting and I stayed home. I made myself some lunch and cleaned up all of the dishes. Then, I noticed that the drainers in the sink were switched. When I pulled out the drainer, I saw the disposal! I immediately called Brock.

Tuesday night I shared my testimony with the girls in my village. It went well. One of the girls said that it was good timing for her to hear it. They are such great gals! Wednesday was our last day with the Beth Moore Bible study that I was doing with my friend, Tiffany, in Murfreesboro. I feel very accomplished!

Wednesday night, Brock and I were driving around running errands before we were going to meet some friends for dinner. We were so close to our friends' house that we decided to drop by. It was such good timing! Stephanie was about ready to load up her stuff and get onto the bus for Winter Wonder Slam concert tour. She needed help getting all of her equipment loaded. We took her and her things to the Walmart parking lot to drop her off. Brock helped load her and her band's gear in the storage bays of the bus. Pray for her as she is on this tour for the next several weeks. Also, her new CD is out!

Last night, Brock did a quick show at a benefit for the Christian Academy in Franklin. It was fun! All I had to do was bring him his props as he needed them. It was easy. Now, he is done until the second week of December!