Friday, June 08, 2007

Rip Tide

Yesterday, after our show, we were eating lunch at a place right on the beach. As we were waiting for our food, we heard a guy yelling, "Help!" Everyone looked over and began searching the beach with their eyes trying to find where the cry for help was coming from. Before I knew it, Shannon said that Brock was out there. While we were all looking around, Brock ran out on the beach, got in the water, and was swimming to the drowning victim.

Luckily, the guy was on a float, so that prolonged his rescue time. However, another guy had jumped in to try and save him and he was drowning. They were caught in what is called a rip tide. The panhandle of Florida is known for having bad ones. In fact, 3 people have drowned in the last two weeks in this area because of rip tide.

Brock has been through this before, so I was not worried about him. He once saved two people's lives caught in a rip current in the ocean at dusk. At that time, we were the only ones on the beach, so it was a lot scarier.

Brock was able to help the guy on the float get hooked up to a jet ski who then, towed him in. Brock along with 4 other guys formed a line to the shore. Planting their feet, they were able to pull the other guy out of the dangerous current. If you are planning to go to the beach for vacation, study up on rip tides. They can be fatal!


Amber said...

Tell Brock to be careful while doing his lifesaving! I worry about his safety as well!

ginsmom said...

I was just thinking about that yesterday! I heard something on the radio that reminded me of Brock's story about saving two people.

I'm so glad he's OK...I guess he's getting to be a pro at this :0

Chad and Rebecca said...

We had a lot of those in Galveston. We went there a lot growing up since I am from Houston. I have always heard to swim parallel with the rip tide. I have never been in one but I will not go out past my knees, I have a fear since seeing JAWS.

Anonymous said...

I saved a freakin' out lady in a rip tide in Hawaii once. I was surfing. Now I save people in avalanches, but not while surfing.

Miss you guys.

tyler newb.