Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sharing With the Ministers' Wives

Last night, the camp had a special time with the ministers' wives. The camp director's wife had asked me to come and share a little. All afternoon, I thought about what to share. I really felt like the Lord wanted me to share this story: After only being married 3 months, we came home one day to find that our trailer with all of our gear in it for this ministry had been stolen. When I asked the Lord what to do, He told me, "Pray specifically and I will show you my power." So, I began to tell Him what we needed that week. We had zero money and we needed $545 for rent. We also needed $50 for groceries. Therefore, I prayed for $595. The only thing we had booked for that month was that Brock was going to fill in for his dad preaching at his church. They were going to pay us $150. That was so much less than what we needed. However, when we were done at the church that Sunday, Brock handed me a bunch of checks that people had given him. I hadn't even told Brock about what I was praying for. I counted up the checks and it added up to $595 exactly!

There is so much more to the story, but I felt that was all that I needed to share. After that, the leader of the night asked people to share any supernatural experiences that we've had with the Lord. I began to think about which story I wanted to share as others were speaking. I felt as if the Lord was gently saying, "You are done." He didn't want me to share anymore. I think that if I shared anything else, it would be out of the wrong motivations. So, I held my tongue. Those of you that know me know that this was very difficult for me because I'm a talker. Plus, I love to tell stories about my adventures with the Lord. I felt so happy that I was obedient to the Lord though! It feels so good to do what the Lord wants you to do even if you don't know exactly why He wants you to do it a certain way.


Amber said...

That's an AWESOME and VERY inspiring testimony! Thank you for reminding me about the power of specific prayer today!

ginsmom said...

I have had similiar "hold your toungue" experiences. As someone who frequently says too much, I find those moments to be so peaceful and liberating!