Friday, August 01, 2008

Time Alone

I've really enjoyed some time alone this week. Over the summer, I didn't have much time by myself. This time alone has helped me in a couple of ways. First of all, it's helped me get my patience with people back. Frankly, it had run out. Two months with people around you constantly will do that to matter how great the people are.

Another way this has helped me is by allowing me to spend some time alone with the Lord. I have a hard time talking with Him or spending any kind of quality time with Him when I'm surrounded by others. I've been able to have some uninterrupted time alone with the Lord this week, and it's been nice.

Today, Brock and I are spending the day together. When we are working really hard and around people 24/7, we don't get much quality time together, either. At times this summer, we were only able to really speak to each other right before we went to sleep. Today's going to be great!


Barbara said...

hope you have a great time together!

Anonymous said...

That's really great! I can only imagine how exhausting your ministry can be. Even when those who hunger and thirst for righteous are filled....they still need the "be still and know" time. Thanks for all you guys do! Enjoy your quiet time!