Monday, August 18, 2008

Blairsville, GA Shows

We did 10 shows here in Blairsville, GA. Over 7 hours of that was unique material. I feel so blessed that we have that much material. In fact, we didn't even do some of the big illusions that are exclusive to the Freedom Experience. So, we probably have 10 hours worth of unique shows.

I remember when we first got married, and we barely had an hour long show. That's how the ping pong balls and underwater escape were birthed. The underwater escape began by Brock getting all chained up and jumping into the deep end of the pool at camps. Wow! Things have changed a lot in 10 years.

The shows went well. Lots of people showed up despite all of the other things (like a rodeo) that were going on. It was a good week here in Big Foot country!!!


Barbara said...

hahaha i didn't know that wa the bigfoot country