Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Am So Proud

I am so proud of our friends! The feeding the homeless thing that we were a part of Monday night is something that our friends Emily, Stephanie, and Lindsey do every Monday night. It's such a great thing.

Our friend, Lucas, is living in the inner city of Nashville to work and live there. He's actually a part of a ministry that feeds the homeless and works with inner city people.

Sunday, our pastor spoke about our friend, Jacob. Our church does a cool thing where they send out 25% of the church every Sunday to serve in the community. 1/4 of the church goes once a month so that they rotate out. He said that he would do whatever they wanted him to do. They told him that they needed someone to go to the nursing home. He said that he didn't know if that would be a fit for him. You see, Jacob is a big muscle guy with lots of tattoos. He ended up going and sitting with a bunch of ladies. He gave them all flowers and painted their finger nails. After that day, he asked if he could go there every time. What a great group of friends we have!


Mom in Shepherd said...

Auny, you probably remember a lot of humorous experiences from our nursing home ministry days when you were growing up. Picturing Jacob with these ladies, bringing them flowers, and painting their toenails is a new one. Many of them need the loving attention. Great story. Mom

Haley said...

I love that!