Friday, September 23, 2005

Rita and Evacuations

My parents who live near Houston had already planned a trip to New York City for this weekend. They flew out yesterday morning. I'm so glad that they got out of there. Mom said that when they went to the airport, it was like a movie. The northbound side of the freeway was like a parking lot at 6am. They got to the airport 2 and 1/2 hours early and barely made it on the plane. Everybody that was flying out at anytime yesterday was there at 6am. Some people even let my parents ahead of them in the check-in line because my parents flew out at 9am and they didn't fly out until the afternoon. My parents plane was nowhere near full because everyone could not get through security. They waited for about 30 minutes until the plane took off leaving some of the passengers at the airport. I can only imagine the back-up that they are experiencing. However, my parents made it to New York with no problems.

After hearing about Rita's change in direction, Brock's parents who live near Lake Charles, LA decided to evacuate. They were going to stay with Brock's sister and brother-in-law in Ft. Worth, TX. Brock talked them into leaving last night instead of this morning. We haven't heard if they made it safely yet. Neither one of us can get thru to our parents on their cell phones at the present time. It says "Due to the hurricane in the area, this customer cannot be reached."

Our parents are just 4 people in the millions of people that are trying to leave. There is already panic in Texas. Pray that people will survive this hurricane!