Thursday, September 01, 2005

Media has a Slant

As we were sitting in the green room waiting to go on Fox and Friends news show in September of 2003, a man entered. He picked up a fax and began reading it. Then, he and Brock began talking about the Peterson case. Brock and I had been in the green room watching the newscast all morning, so Brock had gained a lot of information about what was going on in the news. The man exited the green room and was on the television a few seconds later. The anchormen introduced him as the "expert" on the Peterson trial. He proceeded to state word for word what Brock had just told him back in the green room! Just because this guy was a former District attorney did not mean that he was an expert on the Peterson case. He probably had never even talked with the people involved in the case. This man most likely comes in every week or so, picks up a fax with some information concerning the hottest case out there, and walks onto our television screens claiming to be an expert in that particular case. I'm sure Fox and Friends is not the only newscast that uses these kind of "experts."

Needless to say, the media definately has a slant. Lately, I don't know what to believe when it comes to Iraq or our president. The media clings to the negative. However, people who have actually been in Iraq have alot of positive reports. For more clear news concerning the War in Iraq, read some of the soldiers' stories at or some of Sara Horn's blogs at (check out the post entitled "Stay the Course, Mr. President). By all means, don't trust completely what the media says.


Amber said...

They say the media is really there to distract us all from the truth. That's probably about right!