Friday, September 22, 2006

Show in Indiana

The show last night went well even though I didn't feel all that great. Brock was feeling good, so he picked up the slack. I had such a bad headache and I wasn't very quick mentally. Anyway, I forgot a key part of this act we do...The Puppetmaster. I didn't realize it until halfway thru the trick. Brock thought quickly on the spot. He talked me thru it, and we did a completely different Puppetmaster last night. He wears a mask in this particular act, so nobody could tell that he was talking the whole time to coach me on what to do. It ended up being good. The guy that came with us didn't even notice that something was wrong. Brock did a great job of improvising.

The crowd was good and the people who brought us in were excellant! They served us salmon and rolls with homemade apple-cinnamon butter after the show. They treated us well!


Gin said...

Awesome! What a team.

OneVoice said...

sounds cool!

Barbara said...

hahahahahaha i wish i could see that!!! hahaha
so smart!!