Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Continues

I'm weird about celebrating on the specified day. I am the one who always wants the Christmas decorations down the day after Christmas and the Christmas music is over until next year. Therefore, I expected to not really feel like it's Christmas today even though my family is celebrating it tonight and tomorrow. However, I'm surprising myself! I just thought that maybe we should save one gift until tomorrow to open on Christmas day!

I don't think that we really know the exact day that Jesus was born. So, Christmas can be whenever we decide to celebrate it! We had two Christmases this year and it's still going on.


Anonymous said...

VERY original ;)

yeah, i heard or read that Jesus was born in October something

Our calender is very different from the Jewish Calender

holler at your boy

Barbara said...

i have two cristmas too! :)

Gin said...

Yeah, two Christmases is standard procedure for the Smiths as well. We had our Christmas dinner with Steven's fam on Christmas Eve, and opened presents on Christmas Day. We'll have Christmas with my fam on New Year's Eve.

I love doing it this way, because Christmas gets extended!