Sunday, December 17, 2006

Friends and Sugar Overload

We saw so many people yesterday. In the morning, we still had 5 friends here from the slumber party we had Friday night. We all watched VH1's Best Year Ever and ate leftovers. Then, the band Inhabited stopped by on their way out of town. We went to a party at some people's house in downtown Franklin. Our friend, Ken, borrowed our truck to move something, so we saw him. We saw lots of people at the party. Then, we walked down to Starbuck's with our friends, Randy and Chris. We stopped at Mark's house on the way there. At Starbuck's, we saw people we knew as well. It was fun!

However, I need to start eating better! Three days of parties in a row! Then, last night, we already had tons of food at this party. When we got to Starbuck's, the workers that we knew gave us some free dessert! I'm having sugar overload. Anybody experiencing the pre-Christmas sugar overload as well?


AUNY said...

i am.. i guess you were with me though

Anonymous said...

oops i commented as i was signed in as auny.. my bad

Anonymous said...

Our bad eating started at Thanksgiving and hasn't let up. But I'm still trying to stay away from fast food and fried food. Bread is my weakness. So I cheat a lot in that area over the holidays.
--Pam in Shepherd, TX

Gin said...

I work in advertising, so we have gotten TONS of cookies, pastries, cheese trays, peanut brittle and assorted chocolate-covered goodies from radio stations and newspapers. We're all snacking all day long, and there's still so much food. I may be sick of eating by the time Christmas dinner rolls around :)