Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend

The party continued yesterday. The ones who stayed overnight just chilled out with us. We had leftovers and turkey sandwiches for lunch. Then, a friend and his parents stopped by yesterday afternoon. I took a nap while the others went around the yard picking up sticks and cutting up branches for the fire.

Last night, more people came over for dinner. Brock made a gumbo. Some people had never had gumbo before, but they loved it! Then, we had a HUGE bonfire. Brock brought in our sound system that we use for some of our shows. We played music on it all night. We even turned on a little Group 1 Crew and danced like we do at FX. It was fun! After that, we came inside and Brock did a little magic. What a perfect night.

So far, we've had 23 people come over this weekend. Seven of them have stayed overnight like a slumber party. We are going to do it again today, and Kristin will be here!