Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Betty is our secretary. We take her everywhere with us. If you call Brock's cell phone, Betty will take a message for you. When we are on the road, Betty gives us directions. Betty is what we call the electonic voice on our cell phones and our GPS. It's so funny when you call Brock's cell phone because his message says something like this: "Betty, show them what to do." Then, immediately, her electronic voice comes on and says to "Leave a message after the beep" or whatever.

Also, we just got a GPS. I don't know how we lived without it before. She tells us how to get everywhere we want to go no matter what state we're in or what old country back road that we're on. I feel like we have an extra person with us when we're driving and have the GPS on, because she will come on often and say stuff like, "Turn onto HWY 150 in 200 feet." Anytime you get off the path like to get gas or something, she'll say, "Recalculating." If you don't correct yourself quick enough, she'll say (I promise she sounds more impatient when she says this), "There's a better route!" She's funny that Betty!


Anonymous said...

i cant live without betty...


Anonymous said...

there is a better route