Sunday, May 04, 2008


We were only a few hours into our trip when smoke began to pour out of our truck yesterday (pickup truck pulling a trailer). We pulled off at the next exit which had absolutely nothing in buildings or people...just an abandoned car and some woods. We immediately began to call AAA. However, we had such bad phone service. Brock began to walk away to see if he could get service. He could, but then, halfway through his appeal for help, the call would drop.

It did not look good. Brock could get a text out, so he twittered everyone telling them to pray for us broke down on the side of the road. Then, something happened. A AAA tow truck drove up. Now, there hadn't been one car that drove up since we pulled over. Then, the one vehicle that comes happens to be from AAA. Coincidence??? I don't think so. The man was going to pull someone out of the ditch close by. He dispatched AAA telling them our location and such.

About an hour later, someone came to tow us. We could see that we had busted the radiator hose which is an easy fix. No auto repair guys were opened on Saturday near the small town where we broke down. Therefore, the guy towed us to an AutoZone. They didn't have the right hose, but the nice man found a flex hose that he made work. Two hours and $47 after we broke down, we were back on the road. That's not bad considering what it could have been and has been in the past. Pray for our show tonight.


Barbara said...

i'm praying. have a nice day!