Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I'm studying Revelation right now. I've read that book before, but I just sorta read through it and thought that it was weird. Now, I'm actually studying it. I've always been scared about the end of time here on this Earth and all of that stuff. I watched these movies when I was younger called "A Thief in the Night." I didn't understand Revelation, but if that movie was supposed to teach me more about it, I didn't want to know. It was scary!

However, what I'm learning is that the end of times is going to be a very glorious time for the Lord. It's going to be victorious for the Lord and for His followers. Sometimes, I think that people view Him now as a little weak. They think that He's a God of love and mercy Who is just somewhere up there and doesn't interfere too much with us done here. He is a loving and merciful God, but He's also just. He's holding back His wrath. Right now, Satan's kinda having free reign. Soon, whenever the end comes, the Lord will take back this Earth and punish those who've rejected His Son.

It is scary for those who don't believe. For the ones who do, it's our time of victory as well!