Sunday, October 26, 2008

Show in Litchfield, IL

Yesterday morning, we drove to IL, set up, did a show, and drove home. It was a 6 hour drive, so this was a big day. We left at 7:30am and got home at 4am. We haven't done that in years. The show went really well. We had a few problems with the breakers throwing. The show was in a high school gym. We've had a lot of experience with breakers being thrown in gyms. Brock took it in stride. He simply made a joke out of it. Lots of people were saved. The people putting on the event thought that they had plenty of counselors but needed more. That's a good problem to have.

We drove all the way home in order to get here with no problems for the party tonight. We still have a few things to set up, but we've prepared most of the food and have everything ready to simply move outside.

Friday, I made the big grocery store trip for the party. I got everything on my list to make chili and gumbo except gumbo file (pronounced fee-lay and not like a file you would put in a filing cabinet). We called everywhere...Publix, 3 more Kroger (where I usually buy it). One of the managers at Kroger told me that they don't get it anymore and that it's discontinued. This was bad news! We have all these people coming over and we cannot make the signature dish for the night. We finally found a little country store here that had one more bottle. If that didn't work, we had a cajun friend on standby who was going to give us his. It was crazy!!!

Pray that the party goes well, and that lots of money is raised for the Haiti orphanage.