Wednesday, May 20, 2009

THE STORY OF US: Pics From 1999-2002

PhotobucketParasailing on our honeymoon which is another thing on my bucket list.

PhotobucketOur first wedding anniversary in Galveston, TX.

PhotobucketOur first "personal" car (meaning not for business). Oh, those poor days when you first get married! This is the only car that we could afford. See the price? We said that if we found a car under $1,000, we'd buy it. Well, this was the only one.

PhotobucketCamping in Arkansas.

PhotobucketThe big truck which was our only home for two years 2001-2002.

PhotobucketOur favorite place to go during our free time...Pensacola Beach.

PhotobucketNiagra Falls

PhotobucketUs on our dirtbikes.

PhotobucketNorth Carolina

PhotobucketAt an alligator area in Louisiana.

PhotobucketOur favorite camping spot...Fort Pickens on Pensacola Beach, FL. I don't think that it's there anymore. The hurricanes washed it away.

PhotobucketOutside of one of our favorite restaurants Marina Cafe in Destin, FL.

PhotobucketOn the Chesapeake Bay in Annapolis, MD.

PhotobucketThe Grand Canyon

PhotobucketAt the only rain forest in the United States. It's in Washington State.


Mom in Shepherd said...

The places you two have been is astounding! But did you have to bring up the bubble car. It still sends shivers up and down my spine!