Our intention for making the DVD was to use it as a video gospel tract. The DVD is called "Hidden Agenda," so the message is slightly hidden. However, if you were searching in any way, you would find it. Plus, I trust the Holy Spirit to lead people to it. Apparently, He is already working through this DVD. An 18 year old girl purchased a DVD at the first show this summer that we had the new DVD available. Read the e-mail she sent to Brock:
I saw your show at Student Life a few weeks ago in Daytona, GREAT best describes. I bought one of your DVD's and tonight I was bored and thought I might watch it. I watched a bunch of the extra features and I came to the Puppet Master, it's the first time I have seen it. I was amazed at how much of my life I have wasted on sin. So, at 2:58am, I got on my knees and prayed along with you on the DVD. It was a great message and I thank you so much for showing me the way. For when you were talking about those weird feelings, it felt like my chest was about to explode and I've never felt that during a preacher's sermon. In my past and at camp, I thought I was saved. I've been baptized but never have I felt so alive and ready for Jesus to work in my life. Again, thank you so much for showing me the error of my ways.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Video Gospel Tract II
Posted by AUNY at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Video Gospel Tract I
There are people that we meet on the road that the Lord points out as one that we need to minister to in some way or another. Most of the time, it is a waitress at a restuarant or a security guard at a venue or someone like that. Usually, I give them big smiles and just let them know that I see them and appreciate them as a person. Brock often times speaks with them about just anything! He can talk with the local garbage man or a US senator with the same ease. However, we don't always get to share the gospel with them in so many words, so we give them one of our DVD's which contains a gospel presentation given by Brock.
We have performed at the same place in Panama City nine times this summer. There was one hotel janitor that really caught my eye. On the next to last show there, I stepped out the back door and saw him watching Brock from a screen out in the hallway. He was totally engrossed by Brock. So, I knew that he would like a DVD. I decided that since we were midshow, getting him a DVD at that time was not a wise idea, so I waited until our last show.
The day of our last show came about. I did not see the guy before nor did I see him walking the halls as he normally did after the show. I went up to one of the girls on staff at the camp and asked if she knew who the guy was, but I didn't know his name. Why didn't I just give him the DVD the week before?
After we were all packed up and we had said our goodbyes, I went out to give a DVD to another guy who had rented us chairs on the beach. He responded in a normal fashion. First, he was a little confused. Then, confusion turned to gratification.
As I walked out to our truck, I decided to walk through the lobby one more time to see if this guy was present. I began praying that if the Lord wanted me to give him a DVD, that he would be there. As I reached the door to exit, I glanced back over the lobby. Just then, he came out of a side door and entered the hallway. My heart leapt for joy as I knew that the Lord wanted this guy to hear His message. DVD in hand, I ran to the janitor and handed it to him. He did not give the normal response at all. He acted as if he were expecting it. I may never know what comes of this one little video gospel tract, but I can see that the Lord is working in this man's life!
Posted by AUNY at 10:04 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 29, 2005
Top 5 Bad Weather Conditions
These are the top five bad weather conditions that we were in this summer:
5. The smoldering 99 degrees heat with about 99% humidity of Dallas, TX. We spent that long, exhaustive day out there for the Celebrate Freedom Fest. We were there from 6:30am to 9pm.
4. The hail storm in New Mexico. There were a couple of fires near our hotel where lightening had struck a building and a field. It came down hard just as we were about to drive to the outdoor venue to get things ready for the show that night. However, it only lasted about 30 minutes and then it dried up nicely for the show.
3. The tornado in Oklahoma. We had to leave our outdoor auditorioum in the middle of the service because a tornado touched down near the camp.
2. Tropical Storm Arlene. This was amazing simply because we were able to go right through the eye of the storm. The wind gusts were incredible! It felt as if we were hit by another vehicle at times.
1. Hurricane Dennis. Need I say more. We were several miles from where it hit land in Tallahassee and Brock still almost couldn't drive due to the wind. Also, one of our Panama City shows was postponed. They actually showed our hotel in Panama City on the weather channel before Dennis hit!
Posted by AUNY at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Top 5 Ministry Moments
Here are the top five ministry moments of the summer:
5. Brock giving the gospel to a crowd of 20,000 at the Texas YEC.
4. The family of five who all became followers of Christ after seeing Brock perform in the plaza in Mexico.
3. The four teenagers ranging from ages 12 to 16 who were all drug addicts giving their lives to Christ that same night in Mexico.
2. Crissy at the camp in Oklahoma praying, "God, I hated you, but now, I love you."
1. After Brock had already given the invitation, I was praying in the back for Arora. I knew that she needed to hear that God loved her. Just as I was praying that, Brock spoke it from the stage. Then, Arora left her seat weeping and giving into the Lord.
Posted by AUNY at 12:31 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Top 5 Craziest Moments
Here are the top 5 craziest moments of the summer:
5. Brock bit into an oyster and found a pearl!
4. Brock and I were riding on the motorcycle trying to get home before the rain hit. It began to sprinkle as we approached our hotel room. Then, it poured and stormed for hours. Had it began just two minutes earlier, we would have been stuck out in that!
3. One of the camps had fireworks and a guy was hit by one. Luckily, it only grazed his head leaving him with a small gash. I've always wondered if that would ever happen. It did!
2. Brock wearing his straight jacket at an airport.
1. When we pulled off the biggest stunt of our life!
Posted by AUNY at 1:48 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Top 5 Beautiful Places
These are the five top most beautiful places we've visited this summer:
5. The Ecofina Creek in Florida. We canoed down 7 miles of it.
4. Pensacola Beach before Hurricane Dennis. (I haven't visited it since.)
3. New Mexico mountains and the Carlsbad Caverns.
2. A gorge in Tuxtla in Mexico. We took a boatride through it.
1. Under the water of the beautiful Emerald Springs in the panhandle of Florida. We snorkelled it.
Posted by AUNY at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 25, 2005
Top 5 Funniest Moments
For the next 5 days, I've decided to give you a top 5 of the summer. I know that the summer is not quite over, but our summer shows are complete. So, enjoy the Summer's Top 5 lists. Here are the top 5 funniest moments:
5. Brock speaking in a Minnesota accent all over Oklahoma because our rental car had Minnesota plates. The license plate said "10,000 lakes." When we went to a local lake in Oklahoma, Brock said in his northern accent, "We found 10,000 and we're looking for one more!"
4. Two t-shirts: One was worn by a heavy-set young girl and said "I beat anorexia!" The other was worn by a teenager in Mexico as he played the flute for a music special at the church service. It said, "One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, FLOOR."
3. Whenever we had somebody picked up from the airport, we would have them hold up funny signs. For example, whenever Brock's parents were picked up, Kristin held up a sign that read, "L. Gill and her baby's daddy!" When we had Kristin picked up, a sign was held that read, "CRACKHEAD" because that is what Brock calls her.
2. Visiting the alien museum in Roswell, NM. Brock yelled out the van window, "The aliens are coming! Please, run for your lives."
1. Brock's Spanish in Mexico. One time, while he was in the straight jacket, he looked at the crowd and said something in Spanish. The Mexicans began snickering. I found out from the translator that he looked at the crowd and said, "I like fish."
Posted by AUNY at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 24, 2005
My Style
I purchased a lot of clothes this summer. Since I grew up in Daytona, I've never quite shaken the beach style. I still have "sand in my shoes" as my mom says. My favorite stores are Maui Nix, Salty Dog, and Ron Jon Surf Shop. The brand names that I sport the most are Billabong, Lost, and O'Neil. However, you can only get this stuff in beach towns. So, I save up and do most of my shopping in the summertime.
For some reason, I always dressed like a surfer. I never was a surfer, because my mom would not let me. I did body surf (that is where you catch a wave and let it bring you in all the way to the shore without a board). Brock dresses like a skater. He actually skates (except not recently because his skateboard was stolen at the Celebrate Freedom Festival in Dallas).
I tried different styles in college and when I lived in Texas. However, surfer clothes just are more me. I'm confortable in them and I know the name brands well. Maybe the reason Brock and I are often asked if we are from California is because of the way we dress.
Posted by AUNY at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Back in February, a fitness trainer told us how important water is to drink daily. He said that 64 ounces a day is just an estimate. Every person is unique and needs a different amount of water intake per day. He looked at me and said that I need 80 oz. per day and Brock needs 120 oz. So, we began drinking that much water a day and we have seen a huge improvement. I've thinned out slightly in the midriff area, and Brock has thinned out immensely. Also, I feel so much better and have alot more energy!
At home, I have a water bottle that holds 24 oz. that I refill throughout the day. On the road, I've been using bottled water. Needless to say, Brock and I have been through hundreds of bottles of water this summer.
Try drinking alot of water daily for yourself. You'll spend much of your time in the bathroom at first, but it really helps your mood and overall wellbeing.
Posted by AUNY at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 22, 2005
To Say Hello or Not to Say Hello
I saw someone the other day in a store. I knew that I knew him from somewhere. He looked too familiar. Where did I know him from? Was it from a show? He did look as if he could be a youth pastor. Was it through my parents? I was in the area in which my parents live. Did I know him from when Brock and I lived in this area a few years ago? My worlds were colliding as I racked my brain to try and figure out how I knew this guy. We passed each other in the aisle and not knowing what to do, I gave him an enthusiastic "Hi!" He mumbled a hello as it was obvious that he did not recognize me. Then, I noticed his wife was on the other side of him. I was so intent on figuring out how I knew him that I totally overlooked his wife. That explains why he looked so embarrassed with my "Hi." I can just picture that discussion between them after I left!
I never know what to do in a situation like that. There are many times when people don't know who I am if I'm not accompanied by Brock. He is so memorable. We have waitresses that remember waiting on Brock two years previously! However, I'm not quite as easy to remember. So, do I go ahead and say hello making them feel awkward because they don't remember who I am, or do I not say anything at the risk of looking like a snob? Help me out here. This happens to me often.
Posted by AUNY at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Phillipians 4:4-7
"Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and you minds in Christ Jesus."
Posted by AUNY at 10:24 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
People are People
Have you ever heard that saying, "If you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes and it will change. Here in ___________, it's always changing." They say that everywhere. They say it in Texas and in Illinios. They even said it in Australia. It's funny that people feel that the weather changes quickly only where they live.
We enjoy asking people how far it is to a certain city from their city. They always double or triple the amount of time it actually takes to drive to the city in question. For example, we may know that a city is a 2 hour drive from where we stop to eat. So, we ask the waiter how long it will take to drive to that city. He'll usually tell us that it takes about 5 hours to get there.
Next time you go on a road trip ask about the weather and how far the next town is. You will find that weather is weather no matter where you are. Also, people are people no matter where you are.
Posted by AUNY at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
A Disciple Now and a Summer 10 Years Ago
I led a group of girls in a Disciple Now almost ten years ago in my home town. The following summer, I worked as a summer missionary in this little town. We put on Backyard Bible Clubs. I had a lot of these same girls help me lead the clubs for children. I still pray for these girls, and it is amazing to see how the Lord keeps putting them in my life.
One of the girls, Brittany, died in a car accident a few years ago. I was able to attend the funeral. Brittany's best friend, Tiffany, is such a prayer warrior. She e-mails me or comments on my blog about her prayer life. The Lord is really working in her life. We just found out that one of the girls from that same group, Jessica, had some blood clots in her lungs. It was totally God that they discovered the clots because the doctor said that you usually find this kind of physical illness upon death! It is not very detectable. Plus, the next week, she was planning to fly to Saudi Arabia. It would be a 17 hour flight. The doctor said that because of those blood clots, that flight would have killed her. However, because they caught it in time, they were able to get rid of the clots. The same week I found out about Jessica, one of the other girls, Alisha, called me crying because her parents were getting divorced. She just wanted me to pray for her family.
It's neat to see how the Lord is placing His hand in their lives. Even though they have been through some crazy life situations, He has been there for them. I am so glad that He has allowed me to be part of their lives. I will continue to pray for these girls forever. They are so dear to me.
Posted by AUNY at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 18, 2005
Brock has been around such a variety of people that I hear him using lots of different lingo. For example, after being around the skater and bmx guys, he uses the words "sick" and "rough" often. Only one of those words is negative. Can you guess which one it is? The answer is "rough." "Sick" means so much better than cool...it's awesome.
Of course after going to Mexico and listening to Beck, Brock uses many Spanish terms. We walked into a Chinese restuarant the other day and Brock walked up to the hostess and said, "Hola!" The Asian lady just smiled. Then, Brock continued, "Dos, no fumar." The smile then became a chuckle.
Many of the film crew were from England, so their accents and words were amusing. We happened to see some dolphins jumping out in the ocean while we were filming and Anna, one of the directors, said, "Crikey!" They also use the word "brilliant" alot when complimenting person. I've actually caught Brock saying "rubbish."
Posted by AUNY at 10:42 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 17, 2005
We have been onstage, driving, flying, or filming everyday except two since June 2nd. However, we are performing today, the 22nd, and the 27th in Panama City. In between these dates, we are going on vacation! We are taking our street bike out of the trailer and using it to drive to our vacation spots. Our first break, we are meeting my parents in Destin where we have rented a condo. That will be fun! We'll watch out for sharks. The next break, we are going to explore these springs. One of Florida's best kept secrets are their natural springs. They have them all over the state. They consist of crystal clear water springing up from the ground. It's a great place to snorkel. Most of the springs that we are going to visit you can only reach by boat, so we intend to rent a canoe. If you want to see some of the springs we plan to visit, go to www.tfn.net/springs/CentralFloridaPanhandleChapter.html. Emerald Spring is the one that I'm looking forward to the most!
Posted by AUNY at 11:32 AM 1 comments
Saturday, July 16, 2005
During the months of June and July, we will have spent 47 nights in a hotel room somewhere. Some of them are good, others are not. It always seems that the time that we are extremely tired and just want to get into our room is the time when we have the most problems. For example, we've been checking in and out of this hotel here in Panama City several weeks now without a problem. The other night when we didn't arrive until 2am with a show to do the following morning, they did not have our reservations. This is how it goes! One late night, after spending an hour trying to park in their designated "truck parking," we went in only to try the keys in the hotel room four times unsuccessfuly. That is four times of walking back down to the desk, getting them rekeyed, and walking back up the flight of stairs and down the hall. Finally, a man opens the door with sleepy eyes and in an irratated voice said, "Wrong room." The front desk tried to give us an occupied room!
My favorite hotel that we have stayed at this summer was the Hilton in Daytona. It used to be the Marriot when I lived there, and I always dreamed of staying there. It was the nicest hotel in Daytona Beach. My dreams came true last week. We had a really great room right on the beach. Our balcony overlooked the boardwalk and the ocean. We left the curtains open so that the morning sunlight poored into the room. It was fabulous!
Posted by AUNY at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 15, 2005
No More Outdoor Shows
I am very glad to be finished with our outdoor events. We did 10 straight shows outside. Ugh! It started with the big stunt. Then, we performed three nights in New Mexico. All of these venues were on a black, hot parking lot. It was hot. Then, we went to Dallas for the big festival where we performed numerous shows out in the hot, blazing, Texas heat. It was sticky. In Mexico, we did two formal shows outside under a pavillion and many informal shows out in the plaza. I got bit by some funky, Mexican bug. He got me all over my legs and arms. I'm still itching from those bites! Luckily, our remaining shows for the summer are in nice, air conditioned buildings.
Posted by AUNY at 12:25 PM 3 comments
Thursday, July 14, 2005
CD's, DVD's, and Books
We purchased the new Inhabited CD yesterday. It is sooo great! Everyone should go to your local Christian bookstore and get a copy. The guy at the counter said that they have only been on the shelf for two days and are selling like hotcakes. Inhabited rocks!
Our new DVD's came in! They look so cool. I am actually excited about this DVD. For our first DVD, Brock performed close-up magic, because we thought that people would like to take home a DVD containing material that they did not see on stage. WRONG! People want to buy exactly what they saw on the stage that night. So, this DVD is more like what we do in our shows and on the road. It shows alot of Brock's humor as well. I think that it is entertaining. We recieved one order two shows ago and we are almost out! If you would like to order a copy, go to our website www.brockgill.com.
Also, Brock is working on writing a book on the miracles of Jesus. It will be his take on what he learned in Isreal and through research. Comment or e-mail me at aunygill@yahoo.com if you have any questions that you would like answered concerning the miracles of Jesus. He has not begun writing it yet, so we do not know exactly what direction to take with it. Let us know if you have any suggestions.
Posted by AUNY at 9:56 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Road Troubles
We had another flat tire yesterday. It's become so commonplace for us that I just crawled into the back of the truck and read my book until Brock took care of the problem. A truck driver stopped and helped Brock remove the tire. The beauty of having three axles is that you can ride on just two for a short while. So, that is what we did. We took it into the shop today here in Lynchburg, VA. We happen to have some friends that live here, so we are hanging out with them until the trailer tire is replaced.
I used to freak out when we had road troubles like this. However, after coming up on several fatal accidents, it puts things into perspective. We've seen so many dead bodies on the side of the road. It definately increases your prayer life. We're so blessed that in all the miles that we've driven, we've never experienced a serious accident. A flat tire every now and then is nothing in comparison.
Posted by AUNY at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Drive Day
Today is a drive day. I love drive days! Drive days are days in which we only drive to a city or home. We do not have a show on that day. Therefore, I throw my hair up and wear no make-up. Brock puts on a trucker hat and we just drive anonymously throughout the country. Usually, we drive 10 hours at the most on a drive day. All day, we sit in our rig, driving, reading, watching a dvd, listening to music, or talking on the phone. Then, we stop in random towns to eat and fuel up. There are many times when Brock says we've stopped at this restuarant or truck stop many times before.
When we are in the south, we try little home cooking places on the side of the road. In the midwest, Cracker Barrel is our restuarant of choice. The decor is not very appealing, but the food is great. Also, you can eat there often and not get tired of it because of its large selection of food. Have you ever noticed the stars on the waitresses' aprons at Cracker Barrel? They can have up to 4 stars. They aquire these stars by passing different "Cracker Barrel" tests. The other day, we had a waitress that didn't have any stars yet. I knew more about the menu than she did. I wonder if I could pass those tests? I bet that I could get at least 2 stars!
Posted by AUNY at 9:53 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 11, 2005
Daytona Beach
The show last night in Daytona went extremely well. The youth were very intrigued the entire show. However, it was tough for us. Yesterday's drive from Tallahassee to Daytona was rough. Then, when we finally arrived, lots of things were missing or broken. Our trailer was full of water. Our door to the truck is broken and had some water damage. I left one of the props in Texas and we were unable to do a certain illusion. Our bike would not start even though we had taken it in to be fixed. After Brock took the whole thing apart, he realized that the shop did not fix it at all. Therefore, we could not do the motorcycle trick.
We're just a little tired. I'm not tired of the travelling, just working. I'm ready to play. We're going to these wonderful vacation spots yet we are not on vacation. I find myself watching people in their swimsuit attire walking along the sidewalk and wishing that I could be them at that time. Don't feel too sorry for me. We are taking some vacation time in between our shows in Panama City next week.
I walked along the beach this morning. Daytona is the best walking beach that I have found. There are miles and miles of flat, hard packed sand. Also, I grew up in Daytona, so I had a bit of nostalgia as I walked along the ocean. I remember walking that same path as a teenager and dreaming about what my future would be like. I always wanted an adventurous life. I think that I got it! You never dream about the bad that will come in the course of life. I've got the adventure that I wanted but what I did not realize is that adventure means extremes. We don't really have an average time. It's either really good or really bad. My life is not mediocre. I guess that is what I wanted, and I need to take the good with the bad in order to really enjoy my adventure!
Posted by AUNY at 11:31 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Running from Dennis
We had to drive from Houston to Daytona Beach, FL yesterday. However, due to all of the evacuations, I-10 was only allowing drivers to go westbound. Therefore, we had to go north to I-20 and go across in that direction. This added about 7 hours to our drive. Ugh!
Nothing seemed unusual yesterday. We only had a little rain in some areas. The traffic was not heavy or light. At one of the truck stops in Mississippi, Brock got on the CB and teased that he had been asleep for 10 hours. One driver replied that he probably needed the sleep. Brock came back with, "That's okay. I don't need to be in Pensacola until tomorrow." Then, lots of drivers began to comment. They all told him not to go to Pensacola. When Brock pretended to be ignorant and asked why, a driver said that Brock had not been asleep but in a coma! One driver said that he drove through Pensacola during Hurricane Ivan last year. He said in 47 years of driving he had never seen anything like that. He said that just after he passed over the bridge, it washed out. The driver behind him was not as lucky.
Right now, we are staying at a truck stop in Tallahassee. In the wee hours of the morning when we arrived, Brock said that it was earrie. There were no cars on the road and hardly any trucks at the truck stop. They also informed him that this was the last place to have anymore gas. Everywhere else on I-10 had run out! When I woke up this morning, it was raining and very windy. The truck is shaking profusely as I type right now. I better get driving out of here to try and outrun Dennis the Menace!
Posted by AUNY at 11:54 AM 2 comments
Friday, July 08, 2005
Fun Bag
I have a lot of time on the road just driving. We spend hours in our big rig. So, I created a fun bag. This is a backpack that has everything I need to keep busy while sitting in one spot without access to internet or television. Right now, my fun bag contains:
A gameboy
Two journals
My Bible
The book Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper
The devotional from Women of Faith called A Life of Worship
A handheld game of Solitaire
A handheld game of Yatzee
Two issues of "Real Simple" magazine
One "Home Companion" magazine
Lots of highlighters, pens, and pencils in a plastic pouch
Lotion (coconut scented because it makes me think of the beach)
Chocolate (it's kinda melted, but if i get desperate, it's there)
Cards that I received for my birthday
Some encouraging notes that students have written me
A notebook
A sketchpad and charcoal pencils
Posted by AUNY at 10:13 AM 5 comments
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Ministry in Mexico
The plan for ministry consisted of starting out with some clowns and Brock performing street magic out in the plaza. This is an outside area in Tuxtla where people hang out in the evenings. Then, we would have everyone come to the show which was held at our hotel. However, we lost a lot of people between the plaza and the hotel. Also, the new church did not really know how to do an outreach. Instead of the pastor coming up and leading an invitation after Brock performed and gave a message, he preached a 30 minute sermon. Needless to say, it was not very effective.
However, when Brock was speaking the first night, he used the word "hope" a lot. One of the guys on our team on the mission trip asked if Brock had heard them talking about hope earlier and if that is why he used the term. He said that they were praying that they would know the hope of Jesus. Brock said that he usually doesn't use that word, but he felt compelled to say it that night. I love it when you know that it is God who is orchestrating things.
After the service, we went back out to the plaza with some of our group. Brock performed and gave the gospel out there. He got all tied up in a straight jacket and gave his message using the straight jacket as an illustration of the bondage of sin. He said that the only way to be set free is to give your life to Jesus Christ. Then, he escaped and invited whoever wanted to become a follower of Christ to go over and speak with our leaders. The response was incredible. Several were saved including one entire family and 4 teenagers who were drug addicts. These teens wanted to meet with the local pastor. So, they were introduced. Pray for these new Christians. Also, pray for this new church in Tuxtla.
Posted by AUNY at 9:26 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Brock and I have been to various areas of Mexico about half a dozen times. I've enjoyed myself everytime. The people are truly easy going. They do not care much about time. In fact, I rarely see any kind of clock. In America, we have clocks in every room. We didn't eat lunch today until 3pm! There are certain situations where time does matter.
They have much less personal space than we do in the U.S. For example, on the plane, they crowd right behind each other and even touch. The Mexicans pile 5o people into a van. That's not an exaggeration by the way. Their showers are tiny. Part of the reason may be due to their physical size. They are rather small in stature. Brock looks like a giant to them. Once, when we were getting our flippers for a snorkeling tour in Mexico, the locals began laughing at Brock. They were pointing to his feet and saying, "Grande!" I guess they are not accustomed to size 14 feet!
Their sense of humor is great here. Brock keeps the Mexicans laughing. He knows just enough Spanish to mess with people. His favorite phrase other than "Que pasa" (What's up?) is "yo seguridado mi pantalones" (which means "I security my pants" or something like that). Everyone either laughs or looks rather confused because they don't even have the slightest idea of what he is trying to say. He also randomly yells out "Andelay hot dog, your popsickle's melting," which is a line from our favorite song, "Que Onda" from the new Beck CD.
Posted by AUNY at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Show in Mexico
We are flying out today to the city of Tuxtla in Mexico. We will be performing there and giving the gospel. I don't really know what to expect. One of the pastors that work with the people of the area tried to explain the difference between doing a show here and performing there. He said that the attention span is much greater in Mexico. He told me this story to help me understand:
A couple of years ago, he flew down there a month before the crew came in order to set things in place. He told the people that they would be bringing a clown. The leaders of the local church did not know what a clown was. After they found out, word got around town that a clown was coming. A 5 year old little boy climbed on his donkey and road down a steep hill. He sat at the bottom of the hill for two days. Finally, someone asked why he was sitting there. He said that he was waiting to see the clown. They explained that the clown would be coming in 30 more days, so he packed up his things and went back up the hill.
Pray that the show goes well. This will be our first experience with a translator. Also, pray for clarity. We want just the right amount of salvations. We will be helping a church get started in this city. Please pray that people that come to our show will be compelled to come to the new church.
Posted by AUNY at 9:47 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 04, 2005
4th of July
The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. It's a time to be with friends and enjoy good food and sun! Today, we are at my parents' house in a small town outside of Houston. However, my parents are out of town. A few friends came over to spend the day with us. The friends consist of a guy and girl that grew up with Brock in Saline, LA.
The girl, Michawn, brought her husband, sister-in-law, and her two children. In fact, her little four month old child is sitting in my lap as I type this. They are in the process of moving from Phoenix, AZ to Longview, TX. They will be unloading their U-Haul tomorrow.
The guy, Brian, brought his wife, Stephanie, who went to college with all of us. She is pregnant with a boy. The due date is August 26th, and they still do not know what to name him. If you have any suggestions, please comment or e-mail me aunygill@yahoo.com.
Posted by AUNY at 2:16 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Celebrate Freedom Festival
Today, we perform at the Celebrate Freedom Fest in Dallas, TX. There will be lots of Christian artists perform on stages set up on a big field. It is going to be hot and crowded. The forecast says 99 degrees with a lot of humidity, and they anticipate 250,000 people! We've never done a festival of this size. I think that it will be fun. To see a list of the performers, go to www.klty.com/celebratefreedom05/index.htm.
Posted by AUNY at 9:19 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 01, 2005
New Mexico Shows
These shows were fun. We performed three nights outdoors. The second night, it looked as if it could rain. Not only did it stay dry, but there was a rainbow! Last night, it stormed for about 30 minutes a couple of hours before showtime. However, it dried up and was a beautiful night. Many people were saved and Artesia really enjoyed all of us.
Last night was awesome! We started out with our grand entrance. I drove the truck in honking the big horn. Then, the trailer door was let down and all of the bmxers and skaters and Brock on his dirtbike bolted out! Later, the skate team set their rail on fire and set off fireworks under their ramps in honor of the Fourth of July. After the bmx team performed, all of the skaters and bmxers tried to do a new trick. It was cool! Chaos on Wheels and King of Kings pulled of some incredible stuff! Lastly, Brock escaped from the water coffin. It was an exciting night!
Posted by AUNY at 8:56 AM 0 comments