Thursday, July 07, 2005

Ministry in Mexico

The plan for ministry consisted of starting out with some clowns and Brock performing street magic out in the plaza. This is an outside area in Tuxtla where people hang out in the evenings. Then, we would have everyone come to the show which was held at our hotel. However, we lost a lot of people between the plaza and the hotel. Also, the new church did not really know how to do an outreach. Instead of the pastor coming up and leading an invitation after Brock performed and gave a message, he preached a 30 minute sermon. Needless to say, it was not very effective.

However, when Brock was speaking the first night, he used the word "hope" a lot. One of the guys on our team on the mission trip asked if Brock had heard them talking about hope earlier and if that is why he used the term. He said that they were praying that they would know the hope of Jesus. Brock said that he usually doesn't use that word, but he felt compelled to say it that night. I love it when you know that it is God who is orchestrating things.

After the service, we went back out to the plaza with some of our group. Brock performed and gave the gospel out there. He got all tied up in a straight jacket and gave his message using the straight jacket as an illustration of the bondage of sin. He said that the only way to be set free is to give your life to Jesus Christ. Then, he escaped and invited whoever wanted to become a follower of Christ to go over and speak with our leaders. The response was incredible. Several were saved including one entire family and 4 teenagers who were drug addicts. These teens wanted to meet with the local pastor. So, they were introduced. Pray for these new Christians. Also, pray for this new church in Tuxtla.


Amber said...

Keep up the AWESOME work of Jesus Brock and Auny. All of us here at home who aren't able to leave like ya'll are so proud of you! God is doing an amazing work through a young couple who is sold out for him!!!