Friday, July 29, 2005

Top 5 Bad Weather Conditions

These are the top five bad weather conditions that we were in this summer:

5. The smoldering 99 degrees heat with about 99% humidity of Dallas, TX. We spent that long, exhaustive day out there for the Celebrate Freedom Fest. We were there from 6:30am to 9pm.

4. The hail storm in New Mexico. There were a couple of fires near our hotel where lightening had struck a building and a field. It came down hard just as we were about to drive to the outdoor venue to get things ready for the show that night. However, it only lasted about 30 minutes and then it dried up nicely for the show.

3. The tornado in Oklahoma. We had to leave our outdoor auditorioum in the middle of the service because a tornado touched down near the camp.

2. Tropical Storm Arlene. This was amazing simply because we were able to go right through the eye of the storm. The wind gusts were incredible! It felt as if we were hit by another vehicle at times.

1. Hurricane Dennis. Need I say more. We were several miles from where it hit land in Tallahassee and Brock still almost couldn't drive due to the wind. Also, one of our Panama City shows was postponed. They actually showed our hotel in Panama City on the weather channel before Dennis hit!