Sunday, July 31, 2005

Video Gospel Tract II

Our intention for making the DVD was to use it as a video gospel tract. The DVD is called "Hidden Agenda," so the message is slightly hidden. However, if you were searching in any way, you would find it. Plus, I trust the Holy Spirit to lead people to it. Apparently, He is already working through this DVD. An 18 year old girl purchased a DVD at the first show this summer that we had the new DVD available. Read the e-mail she sent to Brock:

I saw your show at Student Life a few weeks ago in Daytona, GREAT best describes. I bought one of your DVD's and tonight I was bored and thought I might watch it. I watched a bunch of the extra features and I came to the Puppet Master, it's the first time I have seen it. I was amazed at how much of my life I have wasted on sin. So, at 2:58am, I got on my knees and prayed along with you on the DVD. It was a great message and I thank you so much for showing me the way. For when you were talking about those weird feelings, it felt like my chest was about to explode and I've never felt that during a preacher's sermon. In my past and at camp, I thought I was saved. I've been baptized but never have I felt so alive and ready for Jesus to work in my life. Again, thank you so much for showing me the error of my ways.