Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A Broken Down Truck

Yesterday, we were headed to a place where Brock could ride his dirtbike. I was going to run errands as he rode. On our way, we ate lunch with a friend. When we came out of the restaurant, my dad's truck wouldn't crank. The guy that we were with is really good with cars. He began peering under the hood assessing the situation.

As the guys were talking about the truck, I really felt like this was a spiritual encounter. You know when you feel like the Lord is totally in something? That's the way I felt. It was like He was right there in the truck with me.

Brock and our friend went to an auto supply store to get a belt. While they were gone, I was able to pray for the guy very specifically. It was as if the Lord was telling me just what he needed at this time in his life.

The guys came back and replaced a belt in my dad's truck. Dad got his truck fixed for little money and I was able to pray vigorously for someone. Brock ended up being able to spend a couple of hours riding before it got dark. It was a good day!