Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Mountain Goat

We saw the coolest thing of our whole trip while we were on the trail to get a better view of Mt. Rushmore. There, right off the path, was a large mountain goat. At first, I thought it was fake it was so still. Then, it began to move. It was the most awesome wildlife I've ever seen.

As we fumbled for the camera, he came closer and stopped almost as if to pose for the camera. At this point, I got a little nervous. This goat wasn't your average billy goat; it was massive! It looked strong. I pondered what to do if it charged us. I couldn't remember if mountain goats are aggressive animals. I racked my brain trying to conjure up my past science classes. I couldn't remember even stydying about them. I don't know if I've ever even heard of a mountain goat, yet here was one standing only 20 feet away from me.

Just then, he slowly walked up the hill. We stood watching it in awe until it was almost out of sight. It was simply amazing! We were so close to it!


AUNY said...

To learn more about mountain goats or to see a picture of one, go to

AUNY said...

I would show you a picture, but I still use film. For some reason, I cannot switch to digital. I love the look and feel of film. Plus, alot of this stuff like Mt. Rushmore and Montana you need to see for yourself sometime. It's beautiful country.

Amber said...

My parents went to Yellowstone and had a bunch of huge elk come right through their campsite. They said it was unbelievable! I miss reading everyones comments.