Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Vegas-Hurting People

Most of the people I saw in Vegas were tourist having a little vacation. However, I did see some hurting people. I saw two young couples fighting. I could tell one of the couples were fighting because of body language. The other couple were actually yelling. There was one girl comforting her man while sitting by their stroller with their infant outside of a casino after midnight. It was sad.

The craziest thing that happened to me the whole trip was one morning when I was taking a walk along the strip. An average looking college guy came up to me and asked if he could ask me a question. He then asked me if he had any chipped teeth. After I concluded that he did not, he proceded to tell me that he woke up in a ditch that morning. He's rather sure that he was drugged and robbed. His jaw was hurting so he didn't know if his teeth were jacked up or not. When he walked on, I asked him if I could call anybody or anything. "No," he said because after a three mile walk, he was almost back to his hotel. There is some heartache going on in Vegas.