Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I've been studying the book of Daniel. I read a book about it written by Paul Cho. I wanted to do the new study by Beth Moore. However, I cannot participate in the group study that they are doing at our church. I'm not here enough. So, I purchased a workbook on it and decided to do that study by myself. The first page said that if you don't watch the sessions on dvd, you will not understand the workbook.

I planned on taking the book back. However, that night, I saw one of my friends at the Cocoa Tree. She is in charge of the women's ministry at her church. They had the dvd's, but were doing a different study at the time. So, she let me borrow it. I've really enjoyed it and am learning a lot!


OneVoice said...

I have been studying Daniel as well!