Monday, October 30, 2006

A "Me" Day

We left our big rig in South Carolina, flew to Montana, flew home late last night, and will fly to South Carolina Wednesday morning. It's nice to have two days at home even though I wish it were a little longer.

When we travel really hard, we are usually around people 24-7. Therefore, today, I'm spending the day alone. I'm going to have a "me" day. Brock is riding his motorcycle with some friends for most of the day.

These are my plans: (brace yourselves, guys, it's very girly) I'm going to bake some poppy seed muffins that my mother-in-law just gave me the recipe for. I'm reading the sequel to "Gone With the Wind," but I read the first book almost 14 years ago, so I'm watching the movie today. I'll probably read a lot, too. I'll get lost in the times of the late 1800's and let Scarlett do all of the exciting stuff today!


Anonymous said...


i need one of those.

Amber said...

Sounds like my kind of day! I think I'll head on up to the video store and grab Gone With The Wind too!!!