Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Daniel: A Story Not in the Bible

While Brock was reading a magic history book, he came across a story about Daniel. This story is apparently in history books but not in the Bible.

Cyrus the Great would send a daily offering of 6 vessels of wine, 40 sheep, and 12 measures of wheat to the temple of Bel. Everyday, the altar would be closed and locked up with the food inside and be gone the next day showing that the god ate everything.

However, Daniel suspected that the priests and their families were feasting on the "sacrifices" of the king. One day, Cyrus took Daniel to the sanctuary when the food and drink were placed before the altar. He watched as the temple doors were sealed shut.

The next day, Cyrus and Daniel went back to see that the food was indeed all gone. Cyrus was convinced that this proved the authenticity of Bel. Daniel knew differently because he had sprinkled a light coating of ashes on the floor the previous day. At this point, they could see footprints in the ashes that led to what appeared to be a solid wall. They found a secret passageway where the priests were taking the food out each night. Cyrus was so furious that he had the priests slain and the temple leveled.

Daniel was a cool guy. He also made such a difference in his community and really the world. This account was in a book about magic history! He made an impact on the mainstream world as well as the Jewish world. The thing is, he represented the Lord in the world very well. Are we being a good representation of the Lord? Are we making a difference?