Friday, November 17, 2006


I did laundry all day long yesterday. I had to go out to the truck and get all of it. Then, I sorted it and washed the heaps of clothes. It was seven loads of clothes! That means that I invested at least 8 hours into it. Can you imagine literally a whole day of laundry? It had to be done though.

We fly to Houston today in order to perform at a conference there. Pray that it goes well. I just had a dream that we got stuck in traffic and took a long time at a restaurant and missed the whole thing!

Also, The Miracles of Jesus airs today at 1pm Central Time on Discovery Times. If you get this new network, watch it and spread the word to others to watch it.


Anonymous said...

That dream was probably of too much stress on your work behind the scenes and other things related to the ministry.

Or maybe that will actually happen.

Man, Hope not.

I saw the show. Channel 113. Plus i have the dvd, remember.

My blog profile is still not running. I signed up for an new blog beta upgrade and canceled that.

I hope i didn't cancel my original blog. Do u have any idea???


Barbara said...

i don't like laundry...

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to help my momma with the laundry. It's not easy. It gets me in shape though. ;)


AUNY said...

I'm not sure about your blog

Anonymous said...

;( It will get better