Last night, Brock woke up at around 3am. I woke up as well. I actually went back to sleep for about an hour before I had to get up to go to Georgia. It's going to be difficult to drive a while and do a show today on such little sleep.
The weird thing is that I had a very visual dream when I went back to sleep. I dreamed that Brock and I were sitting outside at a restaurant or something. We were on the beach but a block away. I looked up and saw a hot air balloon. It looked as if it were coming down too quickly. Then, it began to plummet to the ground! People were screaming those screams where you know that you are about to die. Then, it went behind the hotels. Two seconds later, there was a big explosion and fire was billowing out from behind the buildings. I wanted to cry, but no actual tears would form. (You know how dreams are.)
I told Brock about it this morning. He said that he knew exactly when I dreamed that because my breathing changed. I was gasping in several times in a row. That's what I was doing when the hot air balloon was going down. I also seemed like I was upset or something. He knew that I was thinking or dreaming about something intense!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Posted by AUNY at 6:31 AM 2 comments
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Not Ready to Go
I'm not ready to leave town again tomorrow. I feel like I just got here. Maybe it's because I was sick the first three days that I was home, and I don't remember them very well. Maybe it's because I've only been home about 15 days in the last three months. Most of those days, I was trying to get ready to leave again the next day.
Pray for me. I'm having a hard time with this lifestyle right now. I love the shows and the ministry, but that takes up less than 10% of the time that we are actually on the road. The rest of the time is spent on planes or in cars, or sitting in a lonely hotel room with nothing to do.
I've finally made friends after doing this for eight years. It's difficult to keep up with friends after you meet them once or twice and then you're gone for two months. I'm a horrible phone talker as well. I cannot stand talking on the phone. Therefore, it's difficult for me to keep up with people when I'm on the road. It's made me harder in some ways. I hate that.
Last summer, we came home and nobody called us. We would call them to go hang out and they wouldn't call us back or were too busy for us. Basically, their lives had gone on for the summer and it didn't involve us. That was when we found this group of friends that we have now. We established those relationships before we left for the summer and they are still in place now. I'm so happy about that. I just wish that I could spend more time with them!
Posted by AUNY at 6:45 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
We've needed rain so badly. Our grass is already brown. We've been having record heat for this area, and no, none, zip, zero rain. Yesterday, we washed our truck. Brock teased that it would rain now. There was not a cloud in the sky and the forecast was clear, but it always rains right after Brock washes the truck.
In the late afternoon, I saw some thunderclouds forming. Surely it was just clouds without rain. There had been a few times lately that I thought it was going to rain just because it was slightly overcast, but it never did. Yesterday, it began to pour! It's still raining, in fact. If you ever need rain, just get Brock to wash his truck!
Posted by AUNY at 7:52 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Marie Antoinette
This weekend, I watched a movie about Marie Antoinette. This, then, led me to read about her online. She was forced to move from her friends and family in Austria to France and marry at the age of 14. She met her husband shortly before the wedding. She became Queen of England at age 18. Two out of her four children died before they were 3 years old. How could they wonder why she squandered lots of France's money away? She was unhappy and too young to have that much power. (Sounds a lot like some young Hollywood women I know of now.)
I just read a book about a young lady in England in the 1500's who had an arranged marriage as well. She fought it at first, but finally realized that God is in control. She accepted her lot in life and was happier for it.
Marie Antoinette did not have such a good ending. She was beheaded at age 37. Granted, the young lady I was talking about above was fictional, still I learned something from this. No matter how much has changed and how many women's rights have been granted, we still have a choice. We can accept the life and the responsibilities that the Lord has given us, or we can live on dissatisfied. Every life comes with its own set of problems, but contentment is a choice.
Posted by AUNY at 9:38 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
Well, I've been sick all weekend...achy, bad sinuses, headaches, extremely fatigued. It wasn't fun, but at least my body was able to rest. I slept more in two days than I had all week last week. I'm not much of a TV watcher, but I watched more TV this weekend than I have all year! I didn't feel like doing much else. My eyes hurt too much to even read most of the time.
I'm feeling much better. Also, I'm bored and ready to get out of this house! That's all I have to say about that.
Posted by AUNY at 7:31 AM 3 comments
Saturday, August 25, 2007
More Testimonies From FX in KY
After our school assembly, teachers come up and tell us how great the message is on "making the right choices in life." One teacher came to me at the assembly and said that she'd come to FX the night before. She was so excited because her son got saved at the show! All of the teachers were appreciative of us coming, but this particular teacher was overjoyed because it was personal in her family.
A little girl (maybe 8 or 9) and her mom were holding hands praying during the invitation time one night. When it came time to raise your hands to indicate that you were ready to follow Jesus Christ, the little girl didn't raise her hand, but the mom did. The little girl helped lead HER MOTHER to Jesus. What a precious time!
Posted by AUNY at 8:03 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 24, 2007
Gary's Neighbor
One of the local ministers, Gary, who helped put this FX together had a neighbor whom said that "Satan is my god, so don't try to get me to come to your church!" Gary didn't approach his neighbor very often after that because he was sorta scared of him.
This week, the neighbor came over to Gary's house and asked if he was involved in what was going on down at the school. Gary said that he was and asked him to come. When Gary picked him up the last night of FX, his neighbor was very hesitant to come, but did anyway.
I have two minutes during a video before the water coffin to collect two girls and two men to help us. I couldn't find any men that were right for the part anywhere! I saw Kim and recruited her to get two men to help us with the water coffin. She, unknowingly, picked Gary's neighbor. Gary thinks that his neighbor really stayed and listened to the message because he helped out onstage.
At the end of the night, Gary's neighbor told him that he was saved. He also told Gary that he would be at his church Sunday! Now, Jesus Christ is his God!
Posted by AUNY at 7:49 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 23, 2007
FX Night Three
Last night was simply fun! During the bands, some of the staff and the bmx riders came out and sprayed water from water guns on the hot crowd. Also, silly string was strung out on the audience. Manuel from Group 1 Crew freestyle rapped with Eleventyseven. The water coffin went great. In fact, I think that Brock actually felt really good in the cool water.
Last night was the hottest night. It didn't help that the gym was packed with people. It was standing room only. Over 220 people gave their lives to Jesus this week in Stanford, KY. Wow!
Today, we are going home and we have a whole week off. However, I feel rather sick. My sinuses are acting up and my body feels like it's been run over by a truck. Pray for me. I simply cannot go on this way for much longer.
Posted by AUNY at 8:57 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
FX Night Two
Last night was one of the best nights we've had at FX. All of the talent was so good! Everyone was just ON.
The school assemblies went great too! Brock starts off with a few illusions and then speaks. Then, a bmx guy jumps over 7 people with his bike. After that, Brock does the glass walk...this is where he escapes from his straight jacket while walking on broken glass. It's amazing!
The schedule last night went like this: A 5 minute countdown video played. When the countdown reached "0," the band, Eleventyseven began to rock! They have a guy that dresses up in an astronaut outfit with a helmet. He dances around the stage and everyone loves it! Tim Byrne took the stage next. He did an awesome trick on his skateboard blindfolded! Then, we did a couple of grand illusions. The bmx team came next doing some amazing jumps. After a short intermission, Group 1 Crew rocked the stage. Eleventyseven joined them for one song. Brock really captured everyone's attention with the bullet catch. Many people were saved by Christ. We ended the night with Brock riding his motorcycle through the audience blindfolded!
Posted by AUNY at 9:53 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
FX Night One
The show went great ending with 73 people who made first time decisions to follow Christ. However, it didn't happen without some opposition.
First of all, it was stinkin hot! We are performing in a gym with no air conditioning. With all of the people crowded in and the stage lights, it's miserable for everyone.
Then, the electricity went out 5 minutes before we were to start. A few of our guys stopped and prayed. When they said "Amen" the power came back on.
When we were ready to begin our biggest effect of the night. Shannon pushed PLAY on the laptop and nothing happened. After a long 5 minutes, Brock was going to scratch it. I said, "NO!". Satan always tries to interfere with this illusion because it exposes him. I wasn't going to let him win. A few minutes later, they got the music to play and we continued on with the show. The Lord was the victor again!
Posted by AUNY at 9:28 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Stanford, KY
We began our day at 6:45 this morning. We have already done 2 shows at two different schools. They went really well, but Brock is extremely tired and his voice is going out. Pray for him.
I went to sleep at 8 last night, so I am feeling rather well. Please pray that the Lord does some great things here in Stanford, KY.
Posted by AUNY at 11:09 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The shows and the dvd filming went extremely well last night! However, we began working at 8:30am and didn't stop until 2am. One time, I just had to sit down for a minute. I realized that I had not done so in hours.
Now, it's 8:15am and we are driving to Kentucky to do a Freedom Experience. Pray for His strength because I don't have any left of my own.
Posted by AUNY at 8:09 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Big Day
Today, we leave early and drive down to Alabama. We are performing our new show twice tonight. Also, we are filming it for our new dvd. Some of our friends are going with us to help out. Some are coming tonight in time for the show. It will be great to have some support.
Then, we have our first Freedom Experience of the year beginning tomorrow. We will come back home late tonight and leave early in the morning to get to Kentucky for FX.
I'm trying not to be too anxious, but these shows are big and high pressured. Obviously, I'm a little anxious because I woke up 2 hours before my alarm went off. Please pray for us this week.
Posted by AUNY at 7:04 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 17, 2007
Good Week
This has been a good week at home. I've been very domestic which is not normally like me. I baked a peach cobbler from scratch. I even used real peaches. I was making it for Bethany, the chocolatier at the Cocoa Tree. I knew that she uses organic, natural stuff, so I figured I would do the same. It took two hours to make!!!
I also washed 8 loads of laundry which took a day and a half. I know I tell you this often, but I have yet more respect for you housewives and working mothers. It's so much harder than you think! I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to throw kids into the mix!
I still have so much to do, but I've been giving myself a break this week. I've been working at a slow pace with many breaks. I've even watched a few movies. I also have been trying not to have so many high expectations. One of my problems is that I expect too much out of myself and others. This week, I took a break from that and it's been great! I'm going to try to strive for excellence, yet not get too unrealistic with my expectations in the future.
Posted by AUNY at 8:11 AM 3 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Update on the Earthquake in Peru
Some of you may have heard on the news that there was a horrendous earthquake in Peru. The death toll is at 337 and climbing. My sister and brother-in-law are in Peru. However, they are inland somewhat and the earthquake happened on the coast. They might have not even felt it. However, we do know that all of the missionaries in that country, including Kay and Trent, are accounted for and fine. I think that they may leave their training and go and help the earthquake victims, but I'm not sure. Please pray for that area right now.
Posted by AUNY at 11:11 AM 2 comments
Healing and Love in the Air
I got to be apart of our Bible study (that we call our village) last night for the first time in weeks. They have been praying for me as well as me praying for them all summer. We all made tacos together and then prayed and shared our lives with each other.
It felt so great to have wonderful girls who accept me and want the best for me, as well as me for them. Two of the girls were on the road performing last night. We all prayed for them, and that made me feel good. That's what they've been doing for me all summer. One of the girls on the road texted me while I was there, so I was able to give them a report.
Brock walked in at the end to pick me up. He told me later that he felt such a good spirit in that room. It felt like there was healing and love in the air. What a healthy group!
Posted by AUNY at 8:10 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Some Kind of Zombie
Brock talks about how people have gone around the world to find true, supernatural power, and they aren't finding it. There is a guy that's offering a million dollars to anyone who can prove that supernatural power exists. Nobody has claimed the prize. Brock states from stage that he has found supernatural power, but it's not what he uses to perform his illusions. The supernatural power that he has found comes from Jesus Christ.
Anyway, people tell Brock that in Haiti they do all kinds of supernatural things through voodoo. So, the other day, we asked our friend, Mark, about it. He grew up in Haiti as a missionary kid. Mark said that it's all a hoax. He told us about a few things, but the most interesting information he gave us was about zombies.
Witch doctors in Haiti can blow some kind of chemical in someone's face and cause them to go into a deep coma. Their heartbeat is so slow that people declare them dead. Then, the witch doctor will go to their grave and dig them up. They can give them another chemical that makes them come alive again. Many of them just die...they don't make it. The ones that do "come alive" are brain dead. Therefore, they walk around out of it. Mark said that you see them walking around Haiti all the time, and you immediately know that they are a zombie.
This act inspired one of his songs "Some Kind of Zombie." If any of you have any old Audio Adrenaline cd's, you should listen to that song again. The point in the song is that we should be like a zombie for Christ. We should be dead to this world and focused on Him. Let the Lord do the thinking for us. You may have thought that zombies were fictional, but they do exist in Haiti!
Posted by AUNY at 8:15 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Take this quiz! It's fun! Go to I was surprised at how accurate mine was. Some of it wasn't quite right, but some of it was right on the mark! This is what my results were:
![]() | auny took the free personality test! "Intense, vital, and animated, taking a delight in ..."
What were your results? Were they very accurate?
Posted by AUNY at 8:42 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
I am home, finally! On the way back from the airport, we stopped by our friend, Mallori's apartment. Several of our friends came and we all played in the pool. Then, most of them went to a concert. Brock and I took our friend, Stephanie, out to eat because she is leaving tomorrow for two weeks.
Steph had an early morning this morning and we had woken up at 5 something yesterday morning, so we went home after dinner. I went to sleep around 10PM and woke up just now at 8AM. I guess that I was tired. It's so good to be home!!!
Posted by AUNY at 7:55 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Rock the Desert
We performed this afternoon in a tent. The tent was packed, so it was really hot! However, it was a great show. We all just sweated together. I was surprised that such a large crowd stayed for the whole show, because it was really hot. Our tent was extra hot because it was mostly enclosed with so much body heat. Did I mention that it was hot?
Anyway, it was fun! Then, we ran over to another stage and watched Family Force 5. They did great as usual. Brock even went up onstage and danced with them for one song. Also, today is the birthday of the twin brothers in the group. So, Brock led the whole audience in a rock version of "Happy Birthday." It was a fun (and HOT) day!
Posted by AUNY at 10:05 PM 2 comments
I woke up this morning and I walked toward the window to go to the bathroom. In the last hotel we stayed in, everything was opposite. I also don't remember our room number anymore. They all start jumbling together. Sometimes, we wonder why our key won't work only to realize we are at the wrong room or on the wrong floor. A few times, Brock's tried to use a key from another hotel...the wrong key! They start looking alike with that pizza advertisement on them or whatever. Anyway, tomorrow, we go home for almost a week!!!! Yah!
Posted by AUNY at 8:55 AM 2 comments
Friday, August 10, 2007
More Airports and Planes
Here is all of the luggage we take on an average flight whether it's one night or a week. Count them...8 bags.
Shannon and I have no shame in snoozing in the Southwest line.
We fly out this morning to go to Midland, TX for a huge festival called Rock the Desert. Pray that it goes well!
Posted by AUNY at 8:21 AM 2 comments
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Mall of America
Yesterday, we had about an hour to kill before we had to be at the airport, so we went to the Mall of America in Minneapolis. I've heard a lot about this mall. Believe the hype. It IS the largest mall ever. It has a roller coaster inside of it!
I'm not much of a shopper. I'm more of a people watcher. At this mall, you could really people watch. There is so much diversity. Also, everyone seemed really nice and friendly to us.
We went to the bookstore where Brock got a magazine and me a book. Then, we swung by Urban Outfitters to see if they had any good sales. They didn't, so we began to meander around the huge mall.
A chocolate store caught our eye. It was a Lindt store. The American chocolatier happened to be present at the time. She told us some amazing facts such as: The Swiss consume 22 pounds of chocolate per person per year, whereas, Americans consume 12 pounds. I quickly told her that Brock eats about 50 pounds per year! She really liked us since we shared her passion of chocolate. She allowed us to taste test all kinds of their chocolate. Brock even tried some that was 99% cacao! It was great, but didn't quite measure up to the Cocoa Tree!
Posted by AUNY at 6:48 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
The Comforter
The strangest thing happened last night. There's a group of girls that meet every Monday night. Of course, I haven't been able to attend in the last two months. Well, I texted the leader and told her to pray for me because I was on the verge of spiritual burn out.
I experienced emotional burn out two years ago. It took me 6 months to get over it. Last year, I had physical burn out with exhaustion which I was able to get over very quickly. However, the ulcer that I developed at the same time took 6 weeks to recover from. I still must be very careful about what I eat and my stress level in order for it not to flare up again.
What I have been going through for the last couple of weeks is totally different. I haven't really prayed in a couple of weeks. That scared me. I normally feel the Lord's presence in some fashion everyday whether it's during the invitations at our shows or in the quiet time I take with the Lord. I felt nothing---just numbness toward Him lately. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced.
Last night, I felt so much better. I knew that the girls had prayed for me. My thought was, "We'll see if it lasts till the morning." This is the kind of cynical thinking I've been having lately...very unlike me.
During the night, in the wee hours of the morning, I felt the Lord's presence for the first time in weeks. (You may want to sit down because this gets sorts weird. The Lord can be weird sometimes---just different than we expect.) He was leaning over my bed healing me---restoring me. It reminded me of a mother leaning over her sick child. With such tenderness, He renewed me. I didn't see Him, but only felt Him. He is the Comforter!
While I was looking for another verse just now, I stumbled across this one: "As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you." Isaiah 66:13a
Posted by AUNY at 9:32 PM 7 comments
Monday, August 06, 2007
Simon Cowell said, "You are not a true artist unless want to be the best." This could apply to everything. You are not a true teacher unless you want to be the best. You are not a true accountant unless you want to be the best. You are not a true mom or dad unless you want to be the best. You are not a true Christian unless you want to be the best. What's wrong with this statement?
The problem with this is that you have to put others down in order for you to be the best. Why do we enjoy hearing that another Christian has fallen? Why do we secretly rejoice when our competition fails, because we selfishly want to be the best.
When I am at places like Spirit West Coast with other Christian entertainers (not the musicians, but unique kind of entertainers like us), it's difficult not to be competitive. I have to constantly keep myself in check. I don't need to compare us to other Christian entertainers. There is plenty of room in this world for all of us. Plus, we are all on the same side. If it's hard for me at festivals, I can only imagine how difficult it is for musicians. They have so much competition.
However, I would have to agree slightly with Simon Cowell. You should try to be the the best "you" you can be. Using all of the resources, talents, and gifts that the Lord has given you, strive to be the best you can be. We need to strive for excellence. That doesn't mean comparing yourself to others no matter how much we are tempted. Chances are, you can find somebody better than you and worse than you in just about every area of your life. Jesus is our standard, not the competition. He believes in you and knows what you are capable of. With His strength and wisdom, you can be excellent!
Posted by AUNY at 9:36 PM 2 comments
Airports and Luggage
Some of you may be curious as to how we fly all of our illusions to events. Well, it's rather crazy. We check the maximum number of bags which is 2 each. All 4 bags are the maximum weight allowed of 50 pounds each. Then, we each carry on 2 bags. We each have our backpacks and I carry another bag with our breakfast and snacks. Brock carries on a suitcase containing our clothes.
You should see us when we enter the airport with all of that luggage! After we check our luggage, we still have our carry-ons. I have a lot of books in my backpack, so it's heavy. I hook that strap that goes across my chest. Therefore, I basically hike across the airport.
In case our luggage does not make it, we can go to Walmart and have a complete show using everyday objects. Our back-up show is called the Lost Luggage Show. It's just as good as the Freak Out Show, so we are good if our bags don't make it.
Posted by AUNY at 9:58 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Sick and Tired
I guess that I need to reread my own post from yesterday because I'm feeling anything but peace today. I'm fizzling out. We were home again for only one day yesterday. However, I was sick all day. I don't know if I'm just tired or if I'm catching a cold (that never happens anymore) or what. My head hurts, my sinuses are bad, my stomach's hurting, I'm achy all over. Usually when everything hurts, I'm too tired and my immune system isn't quite up to par. I've over exerted myself.
We went along with our plans yesterday just because I wanted to play and see friends while we were home. We began our day with a lunch meeting. I don't know how I got suckered into that! Then, we did go to a movie. We HAD to run some errands though, so when it was time to go to a party last night, I was too tired and feeling awful. We left early.
Please pray for me. I have to make it this week and then we have 5 days off next week. One day off here and there is killing me. It's not really a day off either, because I've got to get things ready to go again. We leave again today to go to Nebraska or Iowa or somewhere. I woke up this morning still feeling cruddy and I went into the kitchen to find ants everywhere! They invaded last night. This is going to be another one of those days and I feel that I cannot handle it right now.
Posted by AUNY at 8:00 AM 4 comments
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Journal Entry
This is one of my journal entries from a couple of weeks ago:
We were all waiting for it. I had gone to bed early just to see it. I didn't set and alarm but at 5:33am, I bolted out of bed anxious to see it. There were at least 50 others waiting...watching to get just a glimpse.
Over an hour later, it still had not made and appearance. We saw hints of it coming. At around 7am, it peaked over the clouds. I felt like clapping and screaming with a standing ovation, but all I could do was just stand there. I was in awe...I was stunned. What a gorgeous sight! To think, sunrises happen everyday.
Suddenly, I felt exposed. I was standing on the balcony of my hotel in Daytona. It didn't occur to me that I only had my nightgown on until the sun so brightly pointed it out. I felt so warm and comfortable withint the sunlight, yet so small and vulnerable. This is a beautiful display of the Lord's power.
No matter what camera lense I use or what setting I place it on, nothing can compare to the actual sight of it. I don't care how awesome a painting is or how clever a building looks. No man can ever create something even close to what the Lord has made. He is the MASTER at creativity!
Posted by AUNY at 8:25 AM 4 comments
Friday, August 03, 2007
Happy Birthday
Brock's mom's birthday is today, so during the show tonight, Brock called her. It was about 1:15 in the morning where she lives. The answering machine came on and Brock had it on speaker phone coming thru the mic. At the beep, he had the crowd of about 3,000 say "Happy Birthday!". It was great!
She called back about 10 minutes later. We listened to the message after the show. She said that this was the most creative "Happy Birthday" that she'd ever received.
The show went well, too. The audiences are really fun here at Spirit West Coast.
Posted by AUNY at 2:15 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Spirit West Coast
I am backstage at Spirit West Coast festival in Monterey, CA. It's a huge Christian music festival that we have done for the last couple of years.
The show went really well tonight. The crowd was great! We all laughed and had a good time.
Of course I am exhausted right now. We woke up at 6am Central Time. It's now 11:30 which is 1:30 Central Time. I have been up for almost 20 hours! You all know that I'm not a night person. Plus, we aren't even home yet (by home I mean the hotel). Pray that the time change and late night shows don't throw me off.
Posted by AUNY at 1:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
The Israeli Place
We went to eat at this Kosher deli weekly in Panama City this summer where they had all kinds of Israeli food. When Brock filmed the Discovery Channel show in Israel, he developed a love for their food. It rubbed off on me, too. Now, I love hummus, baba ganoush, and baklava!
They also had a Moroccan place at night. It was a reservation only place. If the owner didn't know you, he wouldn't allow you to eat in this restaurant. Once while we were eating there, he sent others who came up away. He explained to us that he only wants people who appreciate the food to eat there. The Moroccan restaurant was named one of the top 5 in the panhandle of Florida, yet you have to know the guy in order to try it! Good thing that we knew him because it was good!
We developed a relationship with these people. One day, the owners wife and son came to the show. I didn't know how they were going to feel about it since they are very Jewish and we talk about Jesus in the show. They loved the show and even gave us free lunch that day!
Monday, we went there for the last time. As we were eating, they were carrying out some equipment. They are only going to be open in Panama City Beach, FL for a couple more days. Then, they're moving to Miami. It was so sad to think that Monday might be the last time we eat there and the last time we get to hang out with Albert and Sigal.
Posted by AUNY at 7:42 AM 2 comments