Monday, August 27, 2007


Well, I've been sick all weekend...achy, bad sinuses, headaches, extremely fatigued. It wasn't fun, but at least my body was able to rest. I slept more in two days than I had all week last week. I'm not much of a TV watcher, but I watched more TV this weekend than I have all year! I didn't feel like doing much else. My eyes hurt too much to even read most of the time.

I'm feeling much better. Also, I'm bored and ready to get out of this house! That's all I have to say about that.


Amber said...

I'm sorry you're still not feeling better! I started feeling better Friday, FINALLY! You can come over and visit if you're still bored:) LOL!

Chad and Rebecca said...

I hope that you get to feeling better, it is no fun being sick!!

Leah said...

I'm sure you can find some herbal remedies for those ailments. Echinacea is great for a couple of weeks at a time to help ward off allergies.