Thursday, July 28, 2005

Top 5 Ministry Moments

Here are the top five ministry moments of the summer:

5. Brock giving the gospel to a crowd of 20,000 at the Texas YEC.

4. The family of five who all became followers of Christ after seeing Brock perform in the plaza in Mexico.

3. The four teenagers ranging from ages 12 to 16 who were all drug addicts giving their lives to Christ that same night in Mexico.

2. Crissy at the camp in Oklahoma praying, "God, I hated you, but now, I love you."

1. After Brock had already given the invitation, I was praying in the back for Arora. I knew that she needed to hear that God loved her. Just as I was praying that, Brock spoke it from the stage. Then, Arora left her seat weeping and giving into the Lord.


Amber said...

What awesome testimonies for the Lord!